Monday, December 20, 2010

Getting ready for the Christmas Season

Tonight, I'm sitting by the fire and the Christmas tree, watching Gilmore Girls with my Mum and my sister Bekah.  I hope to actually post a real blog post soon.  But, I did feel like I have neglected my blog for far too long.
   So, for a quick recap of the past month or so.  I finished my semester of ASL strong and signed up for the next semester.  NaNo, however, was a quick flop.  However, I do think that the story is still there.  I have great hopes for Jasmine and her poor squashed frogs. (hehe - who knew that real life could be so funny?)
   Anyway, Thanksgiving was interesting.  My dad was in India, so we didn't do much as a family, but instead, my sisters and I went to our church and helped serve Thanksgiving Dinner at our church.  It was a fun and interesting experience, followed by a "A Santa Clause" marathon.  I love those movies!  It was great eating good pizza and watching a good movie with my family. 
   "Chronicles of Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader" came out earlier this month.  As per our tradition, I traveled down to Mankato and watched it with my good friends and sisters.  It was amazing!!  And, after I finish reading the book, I will write a post about my thoughts. 
   I'm currently working on reading "David Copperfield" by Charles Dickens, and to my great surprise, I'm actually enjoying it.  I've only ever read "A Christmas Carol" and attempted to start "A Tale of Two Cities" like 3 or 4 times, so I decided I didn't like Charles Dickens very much.  But I might change my mind.  I'm a woman, so I reserve that right. (hehe :D )
   I have finished doing my Christmas shopping, and now just have to finish making a couple of Christmas gifts.  I should be working on the last one, but I thought I'd devote some time to my forlorn blog.  Our Christmas tree is up and has lights on it, but no ornaments.  Outside snow is falling, and the air has a magical feel to it.  Christmas is coming, and I am with my family.  My brother Luke, unfortunately, can't make it home for Christmas.  But, the rest of my family is here and I am enjoying it. 
  Now, I'm going to say good night, since this has turned into a much longer blog than I expected.  Hopefully I will post again between now and next week, but if I don't, I wish you all a Merry Christmas.  Take a breathe of cold, crisp, fresh air.  Hug your family, and thank God for His Son.

    In His Love,