Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Teddy Bears and Mud Puddles

Yesterday evening, my sister Rebekah and I went and did a photo shoot. Rebekah is an amazing photographer. These are just a few of the beauties that were taken yseterday.

The teddy bear was her idea... I think it's adorable. Personally, I really love stuffed animals. I think I have about ten or so on my bed. So, this was fitting. :)

As most of you know, I am very passionate about reading. And, since I always have a book with me, this seemed like a good time to take a break and read to her teddy, Mr. BoJangles.

 If you look closely, you can see the reflection of my sister in my eyes.
 Umbrellas are one of my favorite items. And this one is one of my favorites because it has all sorts of "storm" words - thunder, puddles, rainbow, etc.
This is just a random wooden fence that we drove by. Bekah pulled over and backed up. "This is perfect," she said. And was she right. Never doubt her. :)

Well, there were many more taken, and if you are interested, you can visit her Facebook page at Altered By Hope. She is always looking for photo shoot opportunities. So check out her page, and look through some of the other pictures that she has done of other people. Rebekah really is an amazing photographer, and I'm enjoying my bragging rights!  Have a wonderful day, and keep on smiling!

In His Love,

Monday, April 1, 2013

Music Mix-Up Mondays #32

    Hello Everyone... Well, I wanted to start blogging more back in January, but life has a way of getting in the way. :) So, I'm starting now. And I'm going to be making a few changes around here, hopefully. I'm moving the Music-Mix Up posts to Monday (not that you could tell that there actually WAS an assigned day for it), to help jump-start your week with some awesome music.
   Right now is when I would usually start talking about whatever song I was going to be sharing, and why I like it. But I'm not actually doing a song today. Yesterday at church, they showed this amazing video, and I thought I'd share it with all of you. It's called "That's My King" by Dr. S.M. Lockridge.

   This video was so challenging to me, as it reminded me once again, just how great and amazing the God I serve is. Sometimes I feel like that gets lost in the day-to-day humdrum activities of life. I keep on rolling down my path, and the days go by, and sometimes it is easy to forget just how great and powerful my King truly is.
   I debated about sharing this video with you today, or posting it a different day, but it goes so well with the first one, that I've decided to add it. This video is called "The Gospel" put out by Eric Ludy and the Ellerslie Mission Society. And as Easter was yesterday, the timing seemed fitting.

   I hope you all have a wonderful Monday, and may these videos encourage you as they have encouraged me, to keep on keeping on.
   In His Love,