Tuesday, August 31, 2010


This morning I was talking to my mother and found out she had gotten a call from my brother Luke this morning. He was in the hospital. Turns out he had had another seizure. He's had two before.... One after his airway got blocked when he was state-side. The other occurred in Germany after a fight not too long ago. Both times he had been fighting. But not this time. They were all out doing training and he and the people he was with were cleaning their "track." It's like a tank, but isn't quite. It's what they ride around in while doing their job.
Anyway, they were cleaning it to bring it out to the field and then they were riding it back in to their "tent city" and he just suddenly had a seizure (they think). His body was flaccid, his jaw was rigid, and he couldn't open his eyes. My mom was talking to the captain that was with Luke - he is the physician assistant for their battalion - and he told her that they had taken him to a local hospital. The doctors there were running some tests - a CT, an MRI, and an EEG. The first two turned out normal. I still don't know about the last one. They also did a spinal tap to see if he had an infection of some kind. They don't really know what is going on..... The Captain said that the hospital wanted to keep him for a few days but the battalion is going back to their base soon, so the Capt. is going to try and have Luke transferred to a hospital near their base or have Luke released to him, with a close checkup when they got back to base as he is at a German hospital, not an Army one.
So, needless to say, I have been praying for Luke a LOT today. This has the possibility of ending Luke's career in the Army. It's all he's ever wanted to do since he was 6, I think. God has worked mightily in his favor and opened so many doors for him. It was amazing to watch. And now this happens. Now, I know that God has a plan. And I choose to believe that God already knew that this was going to happen. I mean, nothing is a surprise to Him. Everything is all written out in His book for us before we were born. It was interesting - earlier this month I was reading in Exodus, when God was talking to Moses about all the plagues that were going to happen. And everything just seemed to get worse, and I could just about here the Israelites grumbling, and saying, "This isn't working, God. Whatever You are doing, quit. It is only making things worse!" At least, I could see myself saying that. I have said it. And I've gotten hung up on the part of the verse were God says, "And I will harden Pharaoh's heart" and I've missed the second half of the verse, that says, "But I will gain glory for Myself from Pharaoh and all his army." (Exodus 14:4) So easily I get caught up in the "this is so bad" attitude and miss out on everything that God is doing.
So, I just pray that Luke would be able to see how God is working this out for him and for His glory. And that the doctors would have wisdom and know what to do. I appreciate y'all praying for him and for us. This is all much easier to say than it is to do.

In His love,

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Hello Everyone! I'm new to this, but I'm looking forward to posting more. I was having a hard time picking a name for my blog, so first I was going through nicknames and decided that while some nicknames are fun to have, they don't necessarily make good blog names. After consulting with a good friend of mine, I decided to go with the meaning of my name. Christy means "Follower of Christ." And I rather like the fact that we are all beloved children of the Heavenly Father, so I put the two together and got "Beloved Follower."
So, welcome, have a look around, even though there really isn't anything to see yet. :0) Comments are always welcome, so feel free to share. Have a wonderful day and enjoy God's sunshine!

