The teddy bear was her idea... I think it's adorable. Personally, I really love stuffed animals. I think I have about ten or so on my bed. So, this was fitting. :)
As most of you know, I am very passionate about reading. And, since I always have a book with me, this seemed like a good time to take a break and read to her teddy, Mr. BoJangles.
If you look closely, you can see the reflection of my sister in my eyes.
Umbrellas are one of my favorite items. And this one is one of my favorites because it has all sorts of "storm" words - thunder, puddles, rainbow, etc.

Well, there were many more taken, and if you are interested, you can visit her Facebook page at Altered By Hope. She is always looking for photo shoot opportunities. So check out her page, and look through some of the other pictures that she has done of other people. Rebekah really is an amazing photographer, and I'm enjoying my bragging rights! Have a wonderful day, and keep on smiling!
In His Love,