"Life is short. Make the most of it." How many times have I heard that before? It seems to be a mantra for today's society. Some even paraphrase it and put it on coffee cups. "Life is short. Stay awake for it" Caribou says. I wonder though, how many people use it as an excuse to do stupid things or to be selfish. After all, if life is short, and you have to make the most of it, why wouldn't you focus most on yourself? But after the events of these past two weeks, I've been thinking about what "make the most of it" really means.
Aaron Lillemo |
My friend Aaron died suddenly in a motorcycle accident two weeks ago. At his funeral, people told stories about how he had touched their lives by the amount of time he'd spent with them, talking to them, challenging them. How he'd drop everything to help them. If an outsider had looked at his life, one might have judged him as someone who didn't do much. Or a "not nice person to associate with." He was retired military, a tattooed biker, and a truck driver. He was a smart aleck, often didn't have a filter when he was talking, and smoked. I know some people who wouldn't have wanted to be friends with him because of how he looked, and some of the things that he did, or some of the things he didn't do. That would have been their loss. The Aaron I knew was stubborn, hard on himself, and passionate. And he loved Jesus. One of my favorite memories was of him the day that he died. I was on the worship band, and so was blessed to see everyone else worshiping, and he had his head thrown back and his arms raised. It was a beautiful sight. And he carried his passion into everything he did. He was a do or die kind of guy. He was everywhere, all the time, with everyone. I don't think he really slept.
Which makes me wonder, what does it mean, "make the most of life"? Aaron didn't know he was going to die when he got on his bike that day. None of us knew that that would be the last time we would see him. Do I live every moment as if it could be my last? Or am I apathetic about taking care of my half-started projects, investing in my friends, my family? Do they know that I love them? How do my actions say that? If I died tomorrow, would people be able to say that I loved them the way that Jesus loves them, or do I live for myself? Would a friend be comfortable to call me and say, I need help, can you help me? Would I be there for them? I don't know.
Now, I don't want people to read this, and respond with, "Oh, Christy, of course they would." I don't want platitudes or empty reassurances. That isn't what this is about. It isn't about seeking a pat on the back. I'm looking at my life and asking God, "Where can I improve? What can I do that shows people I care about them?" Because in the end, it isn't really about what kind of job you had, whether you have tattoos or not, or smoke or not. Did you live your life for Christ? Did you love God, and love people? Not just as a platitude or sentiment, but really live that out in your daily life? Because if I'm not, then it doesn't matter if I live for another day, another year, or another eighty years. I will have wasted the few precious hours I have been given. Jesus calls us to be faithful with little, so we can be faithful with much. Am I faithful in the little things that make up a relationship, whether it's a family member or friend. Not as much as I could be. I don't always take the time to say I love you, or that I appreciate you. I think it, often. But that doesn't count.
So, if you are a friend of mine, know that I love you. And I'm working on showing it better. Because I don't want to die and leave you wondering. "Live life to the fullest. Seize the day" isn't always about parachuting out of the airplane, or taking the trip around the world, or being the best at everything. It's about love. True, laying down your life for the other person, love. Jesus did a lot while He was on this earth, but thing He did the most, the thing that guided His every move, was love. And I want to be just like Him. And, slowly, I'm learning what that looks like.
In His Love,