Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Truth be Told...

    Life has been hard lately... and just when I think I've finally got a handle on my emotions, something else happens to wreak havoc in my life and I once again feel like my emotions could swallow me up...

    A few weeks ago, I was going through old documents on my google drive, trying to clean them up, because why not? It wasn't like I had a million other things to do. But some of them weren't titled, and it was bothering me. 
    Anyway, one of the files I opened up was dated from October of last year, and contained some of my rambling thoughts that I wrote down. In a way, it felt like a letter to myself, reminding me of the truth I needed to hear. Because I don't know about you, but I tend to circle the same mountain, dealing with some of the same emotions and struggles. So I thought I would share them with you:

Worthless: as defined by Webster Dictionary - lacking worth, valueless. Useless.

Replaceable: capable of being replaced, expendable. 

Together, these two words have settled into my soul, and held me back. These two words have defined how I have filtered the world, regardless of if I knew it or not. I have felt left out, alone, undesirable. Forgotten. Unnoticed. Unimportant. I have kept myself so busy so as to not have to slow down and feel all of the emotions that are in my heart. I have kept my brain too busy, shoved everything down and pasted a smile on my face. "Fake it till you make it," right? Everything is fine. But I’m not fine. I’m struggling with feeling Forgotten, Inconsequential, Nonessential, Expendable. 

My heart hurts. How do I keep moving through? Every time I feel like things are starting to get better, more emotions rise to the surface, causing more pain and ache. Does this heartache have an end? Will it be like this forever? How long until the door opens? Am I beating against the wrong door? Am I never to be healed? Is this something I am just going to have to live with for the rest of my life? I just want to curl up into a ball and cry my eyes out.

But I don’t have time to wallow. You don’t want me to wallow. That doesn’t bring healing. The only way to have true healing is to look at the lies and compare them against the truth, and identify what is truth and what is a lie. What do You say about me? Who am I to You? I thought I had gotten past all of this. Why is this coming up again? Will I always struggle with feeling this way?

    Last week, a friend asked me how I was doing, and I didn't know how to answer the question - I don't know how I'm doing. I am not fine. I am far from fine. But I am not alone. And I am working on filtering out the lies from the truth.
    My son's favorite song right now is "Truth Be Told" by Matthew West. And I am eternally grateful for the truth in this song. So often I get bogged down by trying to do it all, be it all, take care of it all, and I don't take the time to stop and listen to Him.

    So, my dear friend, if you are not fine, I invite you to be honest. I will not judge you. I promise to have a hug, and maybe chocolate. Only when we walk in honesty and truth will healing be able to do its beautiful work. 

In His Love,