Thursday, June 9, 2011

Music Mix-up Post 13

Okay - this is a blog post that I put up a couple of weeks ago but blogger crashed and it disappeared.  So, I'm re-posting it.  

There has been much talk this past week about the death of Osama Bin Laden... Whether, as Christians, we should rejoice in the death of a nonbeliever.  Scripture has been quoted, thoughts have been said, blog posts have been written, words have flown, and sides have been drawn.  Some people believe that there is only one right answer to this question.  But I think that sometimes, in moments like these, we have forgotten the past.... The terror that we all felt when we watched the second plane fly into the Twin Towers.... when the towers started falling.... the plane crashing into the Pentagon..... the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania... The war that Osama brought to our soil.  President Bush vowed to get him, and our military did.  Many brave men and women have lost their lives in order to help preserve our lives.
    So, I ask you... would you rather he still be alive to continue wrecking havoc in our world?  Having him dead doesn't solve all of our problems.  I know that... but honestly folks, he has had his opportunity to repent, and he'd rather kill us all.  Yes, I am sad that he will be in hell, separated from God for all of eternity, but I am relieved that he isn't alive anymore.  One of the verses that people have been quoting is Proverbs 24:17-18: "Do not rejoice when you enemy falls, and do not let your heart be glad when he stumbles; Or the LORD will see it and be displeased, and turn His anger away from him."
   But if we are going to start quoting Proverbs, let's not forget this one either: Proverbs 11:10: "When it goes well with the righteous, the city rejoices, and when the wicked perish, there is joyful shouting."  Does Scripture contradict itself?  No, it doesn't.  I don't think that both of those views that are presented in these Scriptures are mutually exclusive from each other.  You can be glad when the wicked perishes without gloating about it.
    I vacillated back and forth about which songs to use, and finally settled on two.  The first one is "Have You Forgotten?" by Darryl Worley.

This song always makes me want to cry.... But it so true... How often would we rather forget what happened?  It didn't happen in my neighborhood, it doesn't really affect me.  But it did happen in our country and our families are paying the cost of it.  It's easy to forget.  It is harder to remember.  Because if we remember, then we have to do something about what happened. 
   The second song is "Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue," by Toby Keith

This song just cracks me up.  It is one of my absolutely favorite songs.  It stirs my heart and American pride.  I am proud of my country.  No, it isn't a perfect country, but it is mine.  And it was founded on principles and freedom.  If we don't support our troops who are standing in the gap for us against those who want to destroy us, who will?

In His Love,

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