Thursday, May 19, 2011

Music Mix-up Post 14

Apparently, last week, Blogger was having issues, and if you haven't seen Music mix-up Post 13, that's because it went missing.  It happened to a lot of people....   *argh! sigh* I've emailed them, hoping to see if they can find it.  Otherwise, I'm going to have to rewrite.
    I thought about redoing it for this week, but I really wanted to share a song that is very special to me for my birthday week, so I decided not to...  May I present to you, "Defying Gravity," from the Broadway Musical "Wicked."  I know what you all are thinking - "Wicked?"  Wicked is the story behind two of the most famous witches of all time - the Wicked Witch of the West and Glenda from "The Wizard of Oz."  I've never seen the movie, and I haven't seen the Broadway show, but this song is amazing!!  I couldn't decide which music video I wanted to put up, so I decided to do two.  The first one sort of tells the story behind the song, but the part of Glinda isn't played by Kristen Chenoweth - I don't know who this girl is, but I love Kristen Chenoweth and Idina Menzel's duo, so I put that video up too. :)  Enjoy!

And this one is the one with Kristen Chenoweth and Idina Menzel.... They are just amazing together!  I know the video isn't the best, but I just love the two of them together!! (I know, I keep repeating myself! I can't help it... :D)

So there you have it - one of my most absolutely favorite songs of all times... One of my favorite lines is: Too long I've been afraid of losing love I've guess I've lost.  Well if that's love, it comes at much too high a cost.
  I am a people pleaser... It isn't something I'm proud of, and I work on it.... but I realize that I do do things so that people will be happy.  And I can't do that anymore - I have to do what is right/best for me and what God wants, regardless.  So, this year, I'm going to try and "defy gravity." I'll let you know how it goes! 
  (Oh, and if you want to read the whole story between Glinda and Elphaba, you can read about it on wikipedia.  They have a synopsis for ya.)
     In His Love,

Monday, May 16, 2011

Seven and Twenty, Here I come!

Today I'm turning 27 years old.  I am really looking forward to this year.  I know this might sound a little crazy, but I feel like this year is really going to turn into an adventure.  I have no idea what all I'm going to be doing this year, but I know that God has a plan, and I'm just along for the ride.  So, to help me experience the adventure, I've decided to borrow from my friend Alyssa's idea.
    May I present my list of 27 things to do from May 16th, 2011 to May 16th, 2012.  I hope to put up pictures of everything that happens.... :)  Maybe.  These are not in any order, except for the first one.  Seemed fitting, considering the rest of the list.

   1 ~ Live to be 28. (I know, I know, seems lame, but I'd hate to not finish the list!)

   2 ~ Finish writing one of my stories. I haven't really picked one out yet, but we'll see! 

   3 ~  Spend more time with God.  
   4 ~  Go on a picnic.  

   5 ~ Learn how to water ski on one ski.  I already know how to ski on two skies, and I think it's time I figured out how to do it on one.

   6 ~ Garden more.  I convinced my dad to let me get roses this year for my garden.  I'm really excited to see how they turn out - pictures to come!

   7 ~ Survive Nano and conquer it!  Last year Nano conquered me, but I'm determined to not let that happen again!
        Seven down and only twenty more to go!!!

   8 ~  Go sky diving!

   9 ~ Go on a date.  (Doesn't necessarily have to be with a guy - but that would be cool!)
  10 ~ Learn ribbon embroidery.

   11 ~ Finish 1 sewing project.  I have too many unfinished projects, and I want to finish at least one of them.

   12 ~ Be a camp counselor.  My sister is going to camp this summer, and I'm going to be one of the counselors.  I think it'll be interesting, to say the least!

   13 ~ Blog more.  Enough said.

   14 ~  Fly a kite.  And yes, I am really only five. (7-2=5)

Half way there!!!

   15 ~ Go Roller Skating at a rink.  When I was a kid, we used to go roller skating once a month as a home school group.  It was fun.

   16 ~ Go camping.  Doesn't necessarily have to be in a tent!

   17 ~ Go on a road trip out of state.   My friend and I were talking about maybe going to Canada for a weekend road trip.  We only live like 8 hours away, and I've never been there, so why not?

   18 ~ Learn to play guitar.  I have a guitar that lives in the bottom of my closet.  It's time to learn how to play it.

   19 ~ Memorize 1st John.  

   20 ~ Color my hair.

 Twenty down, only seven more to go!

   21 ~  Get a pearl ring or necklace.  More on that to come!  

   22 ~ Jump in a pile of leaves.

   23 ~ Watch the sunrise from a mountain top, and a sunset from the lake.
   24 ~ Make a snow angel.

   25 ~ Learn ballroom dancing.  

 Only two left!!!

   26 ~ Have a girls' party.

   27 ~ Make a list of 100 biographies and classics and read them.  (Okay, so this one might take me a little longer than a year, but we will see how it goes!)
   In His Love,

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Music Mix-up Post 12

Happy Mother's Day everyone!  I know I haven't put up my music mix-up post this week, so I thought I'd do a really fun song for Mother's Day.  I have really vacillated between a couple of songs, and I thought, why not just do them both? I've done two before!  So, for the first one, I just had to do Anita Renfroe's "Mom Song to William Tell's Overture."

This song cracks me up... Makes my heart smile. :)  Enough said.  And the second song is "The Mom Song," by Go Fish.

Again, this song makes my heart smile. :) I have this song as my ringtone for my mummy.  I hope you all have a wonderful Mother's Day!
   In His Love,