Thursday, September 22, 2011

Music Mix-up Post 27

   This song is one that I've had on reserve for a while now, waiting for the right moment.... And tonight seems like the right night.  May I present, "Painting Pictures of Egypt," by Sara Groves.


     This week's song has been very encouraging to me...  So often I can find myself in the land of "if only" or "should have been" and I lose sight of the future and where I'm going.  Or I look to the future and wonder how in the world is it all going to work out... And the past feels safer... Past habits, past ways of dealing with life feel comfortable and I want to go back to them, but I realize I can't do that... It isn't who I am anymore, and the past doesn't fit. 
    In eight days I leave for Ellerslie... A part of me just simply cannot wait until I get there, and experience everything that I can, and learn everything that God has for me...   But there is also a small part of me that is terrified...  I don't know how this is going to change me... People ask me what I'm going to do with everything I learn there... Honestly, I'm not sure I know exactly...  I only know that I need to go.  So in faith, I'm stepping forward.  God has given the illumination for this step... I'll let Him show me the next step when it's His time...

   In His Love,

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Okay, I will try and refrain from using too many smiley faces and all capital letters, but I am just SO EXCITED!!!!

  *puzzled looks descend*

I know, I know, you all are like, what in the world is Ellerslie? Well, in a nutshell, it's a school run by Eric & Leslie Ludy in Windsor, Colorado.  

*more puzzled looks*  
Well that was just about as clear as Mississippi mud....

Right, who are Eric & Leslie Ludy?  They are Christian writers/speakers/teachers/leaders/ect... They are married & live with their children (they have four) in Windsor (shocking, no?).  I had the privilege of hearing them speak at Summit Ministries years ago, and I'm looking forward to going to their school.  I will try to keep you all updated on everything that happens.  The session runs from October 8th through December 11th.

   If you think of me, please pray that my heart would be receptive to what God would do in my life, and that the changes that I make would be lasting ones.  I don't want to go there and try and "fix things" and then come home & in a month or so, everything is back to the way that it was.... 

  In His Love,


Thursday, September 15, 2011

Mixing up the Music Mix-up

Today is the day that I would normally do a music post (at least, it's the day that I would like to do a music post. hehe) but, in honor of 9/11, I'm going to do a different video.  I came across this on Sunday.  "Voices of 9/11" is very well done, I thought.  It is a half hour, but well worth the time.

In His Love,

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

September 11th..... 10 years later....

I started this post on Sunday, as that was the date of the 10 year anniversary, but today is also the day of the 10 year anniversary, so I feel like it fits for today as well....

Today marks the tenth anniversary of the terrorist attack on America... 

       Ten years ago, the day dawned bright and beautiful all across the nation... The kind of day that beckons one outside to enjoy it before winter comes.  An idyllic day that one dreams of...  Little did we all know that the day was going to change the rest of our lives for forever.  I was working on school in the basement when my sister came in and told me that a plane had crashed into a building in New York.  I couldn't even begin to believe that someone would purposely crash into a building... It just didn't happen!  When Mom got home, she turned on the tv and I watched in horror as they replayed the airplanes driving into the towers.    I will never forget that moment...  Watching in horror as I learned that we weren't invincible... We were not a might nation that conquered all.  In fact, someone hijacked our planes and purposely crashed them into the Twin Towers and the Pentagon... And then I learned about the plane that went down in Pennsylvania...

     This song was sung at our church last Sunday in honor of 9/11.... "Where Were You (When the World Stopped Turning) by Alan Jackson.

    One of the things that I miss the most though is the spirit of unity that united our nation against the terrorists who had attacked us.  We rose to the challenge that was before us in beautiful ways... But years go by, and for most of us, it isn't a part of our world anymore...
     And I think that we have lost something that was precious.  And that makes me sad.....  There are children who don't have a parent... Daughters that have gotten married and didn't have a dad to walk them down the aisle, or a mother to help pick a wedding dress... Or parents whose children died... Wives and Husbands separated... All of them still live with this, every day.  Yes, it gets easier with time, but it never goes away.  But how many of us actually think about 9/11 on a regular basis?  Not that the horrible tragedy is something that we should dwell on, but do we stop and thank a fire fighter for doing his job?  For being willing to rush into a burning building, to help save lives?  Do we stop and thank a soldier for fighting for our freedom?  How have we allowed the tragedy to make us better people?  Have we allowed it to stretch and grow us, or have we just continued as we were, content in our little bubble?

     I don't mean to sound preachy, and if I do, I apologize.  You know, we say we'll never forget, and we won't.  But how often do we still remember?  I know I don't remember as often as I would wish to...

   This is really cute, and I found it on Sunday - YouTube had made all sorts of 9/11 videos easy to find.  I thought the horses are adorable, and the sentiment is touching. :)

In His Love,

Friday, September 9, 2011

Music Mix-up Post 26

This song has been stuck in my head for a while... I tried to get it out, but it remains.... :) So, I'm going to get it stuck in your head now! May I present, "Oh, You Can't Get to Heaven," a song for fun and laughter.

And this one I just thought was too cute.... You have to listen to all the verses, though!  *giggles*  And yes, I am only five years old some times!!

Keep on smiling!!
     In His Love,