Thursday, September 22, 2011

Music Mix-up Post 27

   This song is one that I've had on reserve for a while now, waiting for the right moment.... And tonight seems like the right night.  May I present, "Painting Pictures of Egypt," by Sara Groves.


     This week's song has been very encouraging to me...  So often I can find myself in the land of "if only" or "should have been" and I lose sight of the future and where I'm going.  Or I look to the future and wonder how in the world is it all going to work out... And the past feels safer... Past habits, past ways of dealing with life feel comfortable and I want to go back to them, but I realize I can't do that... It isn't who I am anymore, and the past doesn't fit. 
    In eight days I leave for Ellerslie... A part of me just simply cannot wait until I get there, and experience everything that I can, and learn everything that God has for me...   But there is also a small part of me that is terrified...  I don't know how this is going to change me... People ask me what I'm going to do with everything I learn there... Honestly, I'm not sure I know exactly...  I only know that I need to go.  So in faith, I'm stepping forward.  God has given the illumination for this step... I'll let Him show me the next step when it's His time...

   In His Love,

1 comment:

  1. Hi Christy! I saw your blog address on the Ellerslie 2011 Fall Student page and wanted to check it out! :)

    Oh, how I have felt so many of the same feelings as you are is good to know I'm not alone. We can encourage one another on our paths to Ellerslie and beyond...

    I have been so focused on going to Ellerslie and then realized I have no clue what I'm going to do after Ellerslie. But, God has shown me too to trust Him with each step. If He leads me there, He will be faithful to lead me where He wants me next. This adventure with Him is at times scary, but so gloriously beautiful. I wouldn't trade it for anything!

    I've been wondering too how Ellerslie is going to change me. I know it won't be comfortable to our flesh. But, it's going to make our spirits come alive unto Him! Just think how the Lord will use us to pray for our families and friends! We can't even begin to imagine all He has planned for our lives!

    I am SO excited to meet you soon, dear Christy...I will be praying for peace and confidence as we finish things at home and head to campus in less than a week.

    Much love and blessings,
    Hannah Rose
