Monday, September 20, 2010

The following is a poem that I wrote almost 4 years ago that I thought I would share with y'all today.


Someday we will walk together, you and I.
Someday I'll serve you with joy by your side.
Someday you will lead me along the way.
One day my Someday will become our today.

But, until our Someday, I want you to know
I love you right now though your face is unknown.
May God carry my love, Dear, across the countryside,
Blow it into your heart like the whisper of a butterfly.
I look at the moon and think of you,
And pray for the love that will someday come true.
I will cherish you always, my darling, my prince.
While God writes our story, a precious romance.

Someday we will be together, as God planned.
And Someday I'll follow you to the end.
I pray for our Someday Today
And one day my Someday
Will become our Today.