Lately, a recurring theme that seems to be present has been a bit of a challenge for me to deal with... What if the blessing isn't what you thought? What if what you thought isn't the way it is supposed to be? What if God has a bigger plan and the only way is through what looks like a valley? What if we prayed for God's will instead of for safety? What would happen then? It is such a different way of looking at life that I've had a hard time to wrap my mind around it. Then, the other day I got in the car and this song was playing. It was like God spoke to me. So, may I present "Blessings," by Laura Story
I don't know about the rest of you, but for me, this song spoke right to my heart. What if? How would it change the way I looked at life? Would I run from things that make me uncomfortable, or would I embrace them as something as a gift from God? What if I remembered constantly that this isn't my home, and I'm simply passing through on my way to Heaven? How would I change the way I lived if I knew that I was going to die tomorrow? I'm not exactly sure that I like that picture, especially since I haven't been living as dedicated to God as I could be. So often I get sidetracked by what I want, I feel, what have you.... So often I lose sight of what really truly matters - living my life in such a way as to bring God glory is my main purpose of life. I fail more often than I would like to admit, but I do know and believe that God loves me anyway and forgives me. And every moment, I get to choose how I'm going to live. Anne once said, "Every day is fresh, with no mistakes in it yet." What if.... I chose to give instead of take? What if.... I chose to yield instead of stand on my rights? What if... I became a vessel that poured out Christ's love to those around me continually, instead of looking out for myself? What then? I don't know..... but I want to know. Pray for me as I find out.
In His Love,
Thank you so much for your post christy! Is was w literal God-send!!