Saturday, March 26, 2011

Music Mix-up Post 7

Well, this week seems to have flown by, and it seems to have crawled by at the same time.... Ever had one of those?  You get to the end and say, where did the week go, but during the week, it felt like it would never end?
  Anyway, for whatever reason, I was really missing my brother this week - maybe because some of the dads were harassing me earlier this week, just like my brother... But I turned on the radio, and I thought, maybe they were playing a patriotic song over on the country station, so I switched over there, and this song was playing, and I thought I would share it with all of you this week.  May I present, "An American Soldier," by Toby Keith.

    I know I say this a lot, but this song always makes me want to cry.  I just want to dedicate this blog post to all of you who either are service men or women, or those who are related to them.  Without you, life would not be the same.  Thank you for your sacrifice. 
   I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
      In His Love,


  1. Thanks for sharing this song. It always brings tears to my eyes! I am continuing to remember those in service and keeping them in my prayers.

    Love ya girl!
