Thursday, July 7, 2011

Jostie Flick #1 (UBC #6)

I was looking around on youtube, trying to find the perfect video for this week's Music Mix-Up post, when my friend Jessica started talking about the Jostie Flicks.  I'd seen a few of them, but not really "followed" them.  But I came across some really funny ones, and since I'm trying to do the whole 31 blog posts in 31 days, I'd thought I'd add some Jostie Flicks posts. 

"Better Together" just cracks me up!! I've never seen it before, and I can't help but laugh!  The whole "Romeo" and "Juliette" and I'm expecting some band of soldiers to come running out from hiding... And no, it's Cheerios.  It's just so funny!!
   Anyway, enjoy your laugh for the day, and I'll have the Music Mix-Up post up soon.  Right after I quit watching Jostie Flicks and can find the perfect song. :)
     In His Love,

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