Saturday, July 16, 2011

My week in a nutshell.... (UBC #12)

Last Sunday I got fired from my job.  I've never been fired from a job before.  I've quit jobs before, and I've had a business close for the summer, but I've never had to deal with the feelings of inadequacies that I felt last Sunday.  And then, when I was just starting to adjust to the thought of losing one job, I got fired from my other job today.  The first job I'd only had a couple of months, but the second job I'd had for almost two years.  Oh, and I got really sick on Tuesday, too and my mom had surgery on her shoulder Thursday....
    Needless to say, I'm still in a bit of a shock.  This week has just been one thing after another.  I honestly don't know what I'm going to do now.... But this one thing I do know.  None of it was a surprise to God.  And I'm going to continue to trust Him for His plan.  I don't know what else to do, other than wait and pray.  So if you think of me, please pray.  Pray that I will have wisdom and humility.  Wisdom to know what I am supposed to do now, to discern what is a lie and what is truth, and humility to being willing to listen to advise I might not like.
      One of the lies that I have battled with most of my older life is the lie that: Something must be wrong with me.  And that just simply isn't the truth.  Yes, I have flaws, problems, issues, sins, just like everyone else.  But that doesn't mean that I should wallow in the self-pity and wring my hands and declare my life a failure.  Because that isn't the truth.  God created me and He loves me, just the way I am.  His plan is in action, and never wasn't.  He is my All-Sufficient One.  He alone can truly satisfy the desires of my heart.  And I am working on choosing to remain content in all situations. 
   In His Love,

1 comment:

  1. oh, amen & amen... keep speaking truth to yourself! keep listening to His truth... just like we heard today... the enemy comes to kill, steal & destroy... Jesus comes that you might have life & have that abundantly!!! He loves you beyond anything than you can imagine... He created you... Psalm 139...knit you together with all your unique abilities & thoughts!!! you are precious in His sight (and in mine by the way!) have a blessed day... love you...
