Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Jostie Flick #2 (UBC #9)

Ever wake up with a to-do list that would rival Mt. Everest, but discover that there is no way that you can get it all done?  That happened to me today.  I woke up with a cold... I was hoping to finish working in the playroom today, but I think I'm going to have to take a rain check.  I was also hoping to put up a bunch of blog posts - try and catch up on the challenge, but my brain is telling me: huh?  I know there was more, but for the life of me I can't remember! :)  So, I thought I might as well put up SOMETHING today so I don't keep on falling behind.  Thank goodness for Jostie Flicks!  It was a tough decision.  I had it narrowed down to three, but then I found this one, and the other three flew right out the window!  May I present, "Soul Mates."

This was just what I needed today for a pick-me-up! The past seven days have been very tumultuous for me.  (More on that later... Some of it still is processing.)  But I hope this brings a smile to your face and joy to your day!
     In His Love,