Friday, July 8, 2011

Music Mix-up Post 18 (UBC #7)

With Monday being the fourth of July, I thought I'd put the National Anthem as my music song for this week.... Couldn't find a music video I liked.  What kind of country have we become were I can find all sorts of music videos on all sorts of things, but the National Anthem?  Couldn't find a decent one.  Most were either instrumental, or sung bizarrely, or badly taped NFL videos.  And just when I was about to give up all hope of ever finding one that I actually liked, and wondering if I should just simply pick a different song, I found this music video.  I hadn't really liked most of the acapella versions that I'd found, but this one I actually liked.

I hope you all had a lovely 4th, and please remember all who have died for your freedom, and those who continue to serve and protect us.
    In His Love,

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