Hey everyone... This blog post is something that I have been contemplating for a bit, and I really feel like God is leading me to write this.
On my birthday earlier this year, I put up a blog post with a list of 27 things that I wanted to do this year - things I wanted to experience, if you will. However, while being here at Ellerslie, the Lord has really been pricking on my heart about a couple of things - one thing in particular actually.
#9 ~ Going on a date.
My whole life I have championed not dating - living a life of complete devotion to whomever I would marry in the future. Proverbs 31:12 says, "She does him good and not evil ALL the days of her life." Not just after I've met him, or after I've been married. And yet, on my list of things to do this year is to go on a date.
I realize that I've been struggling with trusting God in all things - I'd gotten tired of waiting, so to speak, and thought that I'd "help" God along. "Just because I go on a date doesn't mean that I'm giving my heart away," was how I justified it to myself. Even though I wrote that it didn't have to be a guy, I really wanted it to be a guy... It just sounded better if I didn't admit it. And I didn't want to admit it even to myself that I was struggling with being discontent and not trusting God. I'm the "good girl" so to speak - I'm not really supposed to struggle with things like that. I felt like I was supposed to have it all together, but I didn't. I still don't, in a way. But I'm learning how to fully be surrendered to God and yield my life as a living offering to Jesus Christ on a daily basis. My life is not my own - I have been bought with a price, and everything I do should bring God glory.
So today, God went after #9 on my list. And I really feel like He is calling me to apologize to all of you readers. I was wrong in not trusting Him and for lowering my standard. I ask for your forgiveness and patience as I continue to seek out how God wants me to live. I pray that my list didn't cause any of you to stumble, and if it did I am very sorry.
Please pray for me as I continue to seek out His will for my life...
In His Love,
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Music Mix-up Post 30 (Ellerslie Post 8)
One of the things that has been really fun that we've done here is a reading aloud of "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe." They have never done it before, and it was a HUGE hit! I didn't want it to end, but C.S. Lewis didn't read my mind. :)
Anyway, I loved this song from the second movie: "Prince Caspian," so I thought I'd share that this week. So, may I present, "The Call," by Regina Spektor.
I hope you all enjoy this song, and next time, hopefully, I'll play some Christmas music! :) I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
In His Love,
Anyway, I loved this song from the second movie: "Prince Caspian," so I thought I'd share that this week. So, may I present, "The Call," by Regina Spektor.
I hope you all enjoy this song, and next time, hopefully, I'll play some Christmas music! :) I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
In His Love,
The Cross (Ellerslie Post 7)
This is a poem that I wrote a couple of weeks ago, after Martyr's Night at the church here at Ellerslie...
I hesitated to share it at first, because I didn't feel like it was finished, but I'm not sure what else to change to fix it, so I'm just going to leave it the way that it is.
I hesitated to share it at first, because I didn't feel like it was finished, but I'm not sure what else to change to fix it, so I'm just going to leave it the way that it is.
The Cross
A bloody cross stands on a hill and gently calls my name.
It beckons me to come, to leave behind my worldliness and fame.
"I cannot!" I cry, though my heart softens deep within.
A bloody cross stands on a hill and gently calls my name.
It beckons me to come, and leave behind my life of sin and shame.
"I've tried!" I cry, as my heart starts breaking from within.
A bloody cross stands on a hill and softly calls my name.
I see my Savior bleeding there, covered in my guilt and shame.
"Oh, Savior, what a price You paid!" I cry,falling down before my King.
A bloody cross stands on a hill and softly calls my name.
He gave His all to save me, and what can I do but offer Him the same?
I will follow Him most gladly, no matter what the future may bring.
In His Love,
Monday, November 21, 2011
Under Construction!
I'm sorry everyone... somehow, while I was looking at something last night, I accidentally changed something, so I'm in the process of trying to fix it & update it. Unfortunately, I don't have a whole lot of time to spend online, so this is going to be a work in progress!
I miss you all so much, and I hope you are all having a wonderful start to your week!
In His Love,
I miss you all so much, and I hope you are all having a wonderful start to your week!
In His Love,
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Operation: Colorado Big Build! (Ellerslie Post 6)
Saturday, November 12th, dawned bright and clear. A hum of expectation and excitement hung about the campus. The day for our Two Hands Big Build had arrived, a day I had been looking forward to for weeks. Two Hands is an organization designed to assist families in adopting children through sponsorship of a church or school in their work on widows’ homes. This concept is based off of James 1:27: “This is pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father, to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.” (NASV) This was the first time that Two Hands had ever worked with a school before. Ellerslie students had a huge envelope stuffing party several weeks before as we asked our friends and families to support us in this venture. All of the money raised goes straight to helping orphans.
We were all there - almost one hundred of us - at seven in the morning, packed into the Everett Center, munching on donuts and fruit for breakfast - yummy! - while listening to Ben announce the different groups we would be in and their various locations. Several students went to work at different widows’ homes, and most of us, including me, went to the local retirement/nursing home center where we frequently have community outreaches. As we piled into cars, we were eager to be warriors for the Lord by serving in our community and supporting adoption.
Upon arriving at the retirement home, we were directed by Mr. Dan, the overseer for this project, to our various tasks. These included raking leaves, re-painting the fence and gazebo, cleaning out, washing, and painting gutters, and visiting with the residents. Some of the guys climbed up into trees and chopped down dead limbs. One branch that was particularly stubborn took four guys and many spectators to tackle the job, but they prevailed! Spirits were high as we laughed, worked, and sang the day away. Lunch was a festive affair, complete with pizza and Oreos- more good food. After raking a huge pile of leaves, a bunch of us took turns jumping into the pile before we bagged it up. For some of the students, it was their first time jumping in a pile of leaves! The race began to see who could fill their bag up the most. We definitely enjoyed our work!
After the work was done, a bunch of the men played an intense game of football in the side yard. Teams were decided upon, plans were hatched, and the game began- hilarious to watch. When it was time to return to Ellerslie, we were tired, but joyful in knowing that God had given us this opportunity to serve both our community and orphans.
That night, we all gathered in the chapel to celebrate the day and honor various students for their endeavors - the messiest painter, the best encourager, and the hardest worker, among others. It was a time of fellowship and laughter as we recounted the different ways God had worked throughout the day. It was a joy and privilege to fulfill one of Christ’s commands, and we are eager and expectant to see Him glorified through the seeds that were planted! “And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” (Matt. 25:40)
Here is the video that shows a snapshot of everything!
Big Build Project from Ellerslie Student Life on Vimeo.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Epic Ellerslie Games!! (Ellerslie Post 5)
Just under two weeks ago, we had the Epic Ellerslie Games. Now, if you really know me, you know that I'm not really into sports or anything, but I decided that I was just going to suck it up and play. Not that I really had a choice. :) Ben assigned everyone to teams. But it ended up being one of the funnest things I've done yet. And I'm excited to show you the "Ellerslie Epic Games - Fall 2011" video!!
Ellerslie Epic Games - Fall 2011 from Ellerslie Student Life on Vimeo.
My team was the purple team, and we WON!!!! I was so EXCITED!!!!
In His Love,
Ellerslie Epic Games - Fall 2011 from Ellerslie Student Life on Vimeo.
My team was the purple team, and we WON!!!! I was so EXCITED!!!!
In His Love,
Monday, October 31, 2011
Music Mix-up Post 29 (Ellerslie Post 4)
I did a lot of vacillating over what song to post - I know that it hasn't been very regular since I've been gone, but I simply decided that that's okay. :) Anyway, this post's Music Mix-up is *drum roll* "Jesus, I am Resting."
This is a song that I've had running through my head a lot lately. I've never heard it before I got here, but it has rapidly become one of my favorite songs of all.
I hope you all have a good week, and that this song encourages you as much as it has encouraged me. :)
In His Love,
This is a song that I've had running through my head a lot lately. I've never heard it before I got here, but it has rapidly become one of my favorite songs of all.
I hope you all have a good week, and that this song encourages you as much as it has encouraged me. :)
In His Love,
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Ellerslie Post 3
Last night it started raining, and this morning we woke up to at least six inches of wet, white fluffy stuff on the ground. Needless to say, there was a lot of excitement in the air. A lot of people here had never really seen snow before (shocking, isn't it?!?!) and were therefore very excited about it.
So far, we've had a couple of snowball fights, a snowman built, and my roommate (who's from Puerto Rico) and I made snow angels. Angela (my roommate) has never made a snow angel before. I went first, so she would know what to do. After I demonstrated (pictures coming soon!), she stood in the snow, and was like, "I don't want to fall!" so I gave her a bit of a nudge to help her along. :) After she was done, she admitted that it was quite fun. :) So, she got to experience making a snow angel for the first time, and I got to knock one more item off of my to-do list!
I would love to write more, but I have to run & go write the drama for Kiddo Night next week - we are doing the story of Noah, as well as Cain & Abel. :) Pray for me!
In His Love,
Last night it started raining, and this morning we woke up to at least six inches of wet, white fluffy stuff on the ground. Needless to say, there was a lot of excitement in the air. A lot of people here had never really seen snow before (shocking, isn't it?!?!) and were therefore very excited about it.
So far, we've had a couple of snowball fights, a snowman built, and my roommate (who's from Puerto Rico) and I made snow angels. Angela (my roommate) has never made a snow angel before. I went first, so she would know what to do. After I demonstrated (pictures coming soon!), she stood in the snow, and was like, "I don't want to fall!" so I gave her a bit of a nudge to help her along. :) After she was done, she admitted that it was quite fun. :) So, she got to experience making a snow angel for the first time, and I got to knock one more item off of my to-do list!
I would love to write more, but I have to run & go write the drama for Kiddo Night next week - we are doing the story of Noah, as well as Cain & Abel. :) Pray for me!
In His Love,
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Ellerslie Post 2
Okay, so I've been here at Ellerslie for about two and a half weeks, and I've only put up one blog post...
Life here has been really busy, but I'm enjoying it immensely. Last Saturday we had our Epic Ellerslie Games! They were so much fun!! And, our team won!! I wasn't really planning on us winning - none of us are very athletic, but we had a ton of fun. Some took pictures, so I'll post them soon.
The view here is absolutely beautiful!
This is one of my favorite pictures. The sun is setting behind the hills, and reflecting off of the lake that is here... You will see a LOT of pictures of this area - I've fallen completely in love.
I am learning a lot - more than I could possible try and convey in a simple blog post, but I will have to try and put one up soon. I would love to write more, but I've gotta run - dinner is in just a few minutes, and then there is Kiddo Night tonight. I'm working with the drama team, and it has been a blast! Tonight's skit includes a huge sword, which I was carrying around campus. Talk about big - I think the sword might be almost as tall as I am! :)
In His Love,
Life here has been really busy, but I'm enjoying it immensely. Last Saturday we had our Epic Ellerslie Games! They were so much fun!! And, our team won!! I wasn't really planning on us winning - none of us are very athletic, but we had a ton of fun. Some took pictures, so I'll post them soon.
The view here is absolutely beautiful!
This is one of my favorite pictures. The sun is setting behind the hills, and reflecting off of the lake that is here... You will see a LOT of pictures of this area - I've fallen completely in love.
I am learning a lot - more than I could possible try and convey in a simple blog post, but I will have to try and put one up soon. I would love to write more, but I've gotta run - dinner is in just a few minutes, and then there is Kiddo Night tonight. I'm working with the drama team, and it has been a blast! Tonight's skit includes a huge sword, which I was carrying around campus. Talk about big - I think the sword might be almost as tall as I am! :)
In His Love,
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Ellerslie Post 1
Today is officially my second day at Ellerslie, even though I've been here since Saturday...
When you first arrive, you get Saturday to settle in, and then you have church on Sunday. We also had a tour, just so you wouldn't get lost, and that way they could tell us important information about certain things in a group instead of multiple, multiple times. :)
And then on Sunday night, there was the welcome banquet. I had a wonderful time. All the girls were to meet in the Lake House, and then walk over to the chapel individually. When you first walk into the chapel, we were handed a stem of roses (which I now have sitting in a water bottle in my room since I don't have a vase. :D) and then escorted by a gentleman to your table - everyone had assigned seating. The food was marvelous, and the company delightful. All of the people at my table were attending the Basic Semester just like me. And then after the dinner, Eric Ludy gave a talk about the Grandeur of the Irish Elk. Very inspiring.
Monday was Orientation... Lots of it! And then after orientation, there was the Student Handbook, which we went over in unmixed company, as we dealt with the nitty-gritty details of dress code, interaction with the opposite gender, ect... those conversations can be uncomfortable enough without mixed company. But it wad good conversation, and we had a lot of fun.
Tuesday was the first official day of Ellerslie - we got our handbooks (of which I will be posting pictures of soon - I just haven't taken any yet.) We watched a video on the Gospel which made a profound impact on me.... I hadn't ever watched it before, but I'm sure I'll be watching it again.
And now today is Wednesday..... I'm enjoying classes so far. Eric Ludy is an engaging speaker, which is nice. And he's very funny - sort of reminds me of Dick Van Dyke. :) I will post pictures of my room, my roommate, and the surrounding area - we are on a lake, with mountains in the distance... It is beautiful here. :) But I have to run as I have to put my laptop back in my room and run to dinner in seven minutes! :) They keep us on a tight schedule here. :)
Stay tuned for pictures coming soon!!!
In His Love,
When you first arrive, you get Saturday to settle in, and then you have church on Sunday. We also had a tour, just so you wouldn't get lost, and that way they could tell us important information about certain things in a group instead of multiple, multiple times. :)
And then on Sunday night, there was the welcome banquet. I had a wonderful time. All the girls were to meet in the Lake House, and then walk over to the chapel individually. When you first walk into the chapel, we were handed a stem of roses (which I now have sitting in a water bottle in my room since I don't have a vase. :D) and then escorted by a gentleman to your table - everyone had assigned seating. The food was marvelous, and the company delightful. All of the people at my table were attending the Basic Semester just like me. And then after the dinner, Eric Ludy gave a talk about the Grandeur of the Irish Elk. Very inspiring.
Monday was Orientation... Lots of it! And then after orientation, there was the Student Handbook, which we went over in unmixed company, as we dealt with the nitty-gritty details of dress code, interaction with the opposite gender, ect... those conversations can be uncomfortable enough without mixed company. But it wad good conversation, and we had a lot of fun.
Tuesday was the first official day of Ellerslie - we got our handbooks (of which I will be posting pictures of soon - I just haven't taken any yet.) We watched a video on the Gospel which made a profound impact on me.... I hadn't ever watched it before, but I'm sure I'll be watching it again.
And now today is Wednesday..... I'm enjoying classes so far. Eric Ludy is an engaging speaker, which is nice. And he's very funny - sort of reminds me of Dick Van Dyke. :) I will post pictures of my room, my roommate, and the surrounding area - we are on a lake, with mountains in the distance... It is beautiful here. :) But I have to run as I have to put my laptop back in my room and run to dinner in seven minutes! :) They keep us on a tight schedule here. :)
Stay tuned for pictures coming soon!!!
In His Love,
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Music Mix-up Post 28
This song makes my heart smile.... "Voices," by Chris Young
And yes, I hear the voices too! :)
In His Love,
And yes, I hear the voices too! :)
In His Love,
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Music Mix-up Post 27
This song is one that I've had on reserve for a while now, waiting for the right moment.... And tonight seems like the right night. May I present, "Painting Pictures of Egypt," by Sara Groves.
This week's song has been very encouraging to me... So often I can find myself in the land of "if only" or "should have been" and I lose sight of the future and where I'm going. Or I look to the future and wonder how in the world is it all going to work out... And the past feels safer... Past habits, past ways of dealing with life feel comfortable and I want to go back to them, but I realize I can't do that... It isn't who I am anymore, and the past doesn't fit.
In eight days I leave for Ellerslie... A part of me just simply cannot wait until I get there, and experience everything that I can, and learn everything that God has for me... But there is also a small part of me that is terrified... I don't know how this is going to change me... People ask me what I'm going to do with everything I learn there... Honestly, I'm not sure I know exactly... I only know that I need to go. So in faith, I'm stepping forward. God has given the illumination for this step... I'll let Him show me the next step when it's His time...
In His Love,
This week's song has been very encouraging to me... So often I can find myself in the land of "if only" or "should have been" and I lose sight of the future and where I'm going. Or I look to the future and wonder how in the world is it all going to work out... And the past feels safer... Past habits, past ways of dealing with life feel comfortable and I want to go back to them, but I realize I can't do that... It isn't who I am anymore, and the past doesn't fit.
In eight days I leave for Ellerslie... A part of me just simply cannot wait until I get there, and experience everything that I can, and learn everything that God has for me... But there is also a small part of me that is terrified... I don't know how this is going to change me... People ask me what I'm going to do with everything I learn there... Honestly, I'm not sure I know exactly... I only know that I need to go. So in faith, I'm stepping forward. God has given the illumination for this step... I'll let Him show me the next step when it's His time...
In His Love,
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Okay, I will try and refrain from using too many smiley faces and all capital letters, but I am just SO EXCITED!!!!
I know, I know, you all are like, what in the world is Ellerslie? Well, in a nutshell, it's a school run by Eric & Leslie Ludy in Windsor, Colorado.
*puzzled looks descend*
I know, I know, you all are like, what in the world is Ellerslie? Well, in a nutshell, it's a school run by Eric & Leslie Ludy in Windsor, Colorado.
*more puzzled looks*
Well that was just about as clear as Mississippi mud....
Right, who are Eric & Leslie Ludy? They are Christian writers/speakers/teachers/leaders/ect... They are married & live with their children (they have four) in Windsor (shocking, no?). I had the privilege of hearing them speak at Summit Ministries years ago, and I'm looking forward to going to their school. I will try to keep you all updated on everything that happens. The session runs from October 8th through December 11th.
If you think of me, please pray that my heart would be receptive to what God would do in my life, and that the changes that I make would be lasting ones. I don't want to go there and try and "fix things" and then come home & in a month or so, everything is back to the way that it was....
In His Love,
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Mixing up the Music Mix-up
Today is the day that I would normally do a music post (at least, it's the day that I would like to do a music post. hehe) but, in honor of 9/11, I'm going to do a different video. I came across this on Sunday. "Voices of 9/11" is very well done, I thought. It is a half hour, but well worth the time.
In His Love,
In His Love,
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
September 11th..... 10 years later....
I started this post on Sunday, as that was the date of the 10 year anniversary, but today is also the day of the 10 year anniversary, so I feel like it fits for today as well....
Today marks the tenth anniversary of the terrorist attack on America...
Ten years ago, the day dawned bright and beautiful all across the nation... The kind of day that beckons one outside to enjoy it before winter comes. An idyllic day that one dreams of... Little did we all know that the day was going to change the rest of our lives for forever. I was working on school in the basement when my sister came in and told me that a plane had crashed into a building in New York. I couldn't even begin to believe that someone would purposely crash into a building... It just didn't happen! When Mom got home, she turned on the tv and I watched in horror as they replayed the airplanes driving into the towers. I will never forget that moment... Watching in horror as I learned that we weren't invincible... We were not a might nation that conquered all. In fact, someone hijacked our planes and purposely crashed them into the Twin Towers and the Pentagon... And then I learned about the plane that went down in Pennsylvania...
This song was sung at our church last Sunday in honor of 9/11.... "Where Were You (When the World Stopped Turning) by Alan Jackson.
One of the things that I miss the most though is the spirit of unity that united our nation against the terrorists who had attacked us. We rose to the challenge that was before us in beautiful ways... But years go by, and for most of us, it isn't a part of our world anymore...
And I think that we have lost something that was precious. And that makes me sad..... There are children who don't have a parent... Daughters that have gotten married and didn't have a dad to walk them down the aisle, or a mother to help pick a wedding dress... Or parents whose children died... Wives and Husbands separated... All of them still live with this, every day. Yes, it gets easier with time, but it never goes away. But how many of us actually think about 9/11 on a regular basis? Not that the horrible tragedy is something that we should dwell on, but do we stop and thank a fire fighter for doing his job? For being willing to rush into a burning building, to help save lives? Do we stop and thank a soldier for fighting for our freedom? How have we allowed the tragedy to make us better people? Have we allowed it to stretch and grow us, or have we just continued as we were, content in our little bubble?
I don't mean to sound preachy, and if I do, I apologize. You know, we say we'll never forget, and we won't. But how often do we still remember? I know I don't remember as often as I would wish to...
This is really cute, and I found it on Sunday - YouTube had made all sorts of 9/11 videos easy to find. I thought the horses are adorable, and the sentiment is touching. :)
In His Love,
Today marks the tenth anniversary of the terrorist attack on America...
Ten years ago, the day dawned bright and beautiful all across the nation... The kind of day that beckons one outside to enjoy it before winter comes. An idyllic day that one dreams of... Little did we all know that the day was going to change the rest of our lives for forever. I was working on school in the basement when my sister came in and told me that a plane had crashed into a building in New York. I couldn't even begin to believe that someone would purposely crash into a building... It just didn't happen! When Mom got home, she turned on the tv and I watched in horror as they replayed the airplanes driving into the towers. I will never forget that moment... Watching in horror as I learned that we weren't invincible... We were not a might nation that conquered all. In fact, someone hijacked our planes and purposely crashed them into the Twin Towers and the Pentagon... And then I learned about the plane that went down in Pennsylvania...
This song was sung at our church last Sunday in honor of 9/11.... "Where Were You (When the World Stopped Turning) by Alan Jackson.
One of the things that I miss the most though is the spirit of unity that united our nation against the terrorists who had attacked us. We rose to the challenge that was before us in beautiful ways... But years go by, and for most of us, it isn't a part of our world anymore...
And I think that we have lost something that was precious. And that makes me sad..... There are children who don't have a parent... Daughters that have gotten married and didn't have a dad to walk them down the aisle, or a mother to help pick a wedding dress... Or parents whose children died... Wives and Husbands separated... All of them still live with this, every day. Yes, it gets easier with time, but it never goes away. But how many of us actually think about 9/11 on a regular basis? Not that the horrible tragedy is something that we should dwell on, but do we stop and thank a fire fighter for doing his job? For being willing to rush into a burning building, to help save lives? Do we stop and thank a soldier for fighting for our freedom? How have we allowed the tragedy to make us better people? Have we allowed it to stretch and grow us, or have we just continued as we were, content in our little bubble?
I don't mean to sound preachy, and if I do, I apologize. You know, we say we'll never forget, and we won't. But how often do we still remember? I know I don't remember as often as I would wish to...
This is really cute, and I found it on Sunday - YouTube had made all sorts of 9/11 videos easy to find. I thought the horses are adorable, and the sentiment is touching. :)
In His Love,
Friday, September 9, 2011
Music Mix-up Post 26
This song has been stuck in my head for a while... I tried to get it out, but it remains.... :) So, I'm going to get it stuck in your head now! May I present, "Oh, You Can't Get to Heaven," a song for fun and laughter.
And this one I just thought was too cute.... You have to listen to all the verses, though! *giggles* And yes, I am only five years old some times!!
Keep on smiling!!
In His Love,
And this one I just thought was too cute.... You have to listen to all the verses, though! *giggles* And yes, I am only five years old some times!!
Keep on smiling!!
In His Love,
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
In my previous post, I talked about how Death has affected my life these past few weeks....
In thinking about death, however, I can't but help think about life....
If I was to die today, would I be ready to go?
Have I said something I shouldn't have? Or is there something I need to say?
When was the last time I told my family I loved them?
Have I left a task undone?
Did I say good-bye as I walked out the door, or did I just rush off in haste, leaving people behind who wished they had said good-bye that morning?
I have sometimes felt like Life has flowed on around me, while I've sat on the bank watching it... And now I'm trying to wade back in but nothing is the same anymore.... And yet, nothing has changed.
Pastor Mike was talking a couple of Sundays ago, and his text was 2 Chronicles 21:20 - He was thirty-two years old when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem eight years; and he departed with no one's regret, and they buried him in the city of David, but not in the tombs of the kings.
He died to no one's regret - no one cared that he was dead.... And that just really hit me - not that I want people to miss me, but I want to impact them for good...
I have been thinking about Heaven a lot lately.... to just sit at my Heavenly Father's feet and worship Him forever and ever.... To be free from the struggle and strife that consumes this world.... What a reminder that we were not made for this earth - we were made for Heaven.
And yes, life isn't only about the destination, it's about the journey...
And yet, the journey sometimes seems so long....
But such is life.... A struggle, a pursuit.... Otherwise Paul would not have encouraged us to run the race with perseverance as often as he did in the New Testament....
Phil. 1:21 states: For me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.
Lord, may every day I live be lived for you, and I look forward to the day when I may live in Your Presence for all of eternity. For only then will I truly gain everything that is worth having.
In His Love,
In thinking about death, however, I can't but help think about life....
If I was to die today, would I be ready to go?
Have I said something I shouldn't have? Or is there something I need to say?
When was the last time I told my family I loved them?
Have I left a task undone?
Did I say good-bye as I walked out the door, or did I just rush off in haste, leaving people behind who wished they had said good-bye that morning?
I have sometimes felt like Life has flowed on around me, while I've sat on the bank watching it... And now I'm trying to wade back in but nothing is the same anymore.... And yet, nothing has changed.
Pastor Mike was talking a couple of Sundays ago, and his text was 2 Chronicles 21:20 - He was thirty-two years old when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem eight years; and he departed with no one's regret, and they buried him in the city of David, but not in the tombs of the kings.
He died to no one's regret - no one cared that he was dead.... And that just really hit me - not that I want people to miss me, but I want to impact them for good...
I have been thinking about Heaven a lot lately.... to just sit at my Heavenly Father's feet and worship Him forever and ever.... To be free from the struggle and strife that consumes this world.... What a reminder that we were not made for this earth - we were made for Heaven.
And yes, life isn't only about the destination, it's about the journey...
And yet, the journey sometimes seems so long....
But such is life.... A struggle, a pursuit.... Otherwise Paul would not have encouraged us to run the race with perseverance as often as he did in the New Testament....
Phil. 1:21 states: For me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.
Lord, may every day I live be lived for you, and I look forward to the day when I may live in Your Presence for all of eternity. For only then will I truly gain everything that is worth having.
In His Love,
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Music Mix-up Post 25
Last night my father, two of my sisters, and I finished watching The Lord of the Rings Trilogy. And, as usual, I cried my way through the final hour of Return of the King. TLORT has some of the most amazing music, and I thought I'd share the ending song with y'all. (I know, this post is a few days delayed, but life has been crazy lately. I do apologize, though.)
Anyway, may I present: Into the West by Annie Lennox....
This is probably one of my favorite songs from this movie... it so haunting & tragically beautiful..... Most of the words are taken from a scene with Gandalf & Pippin are waiting for the enemy to attack another level of Minas Tirith. (just in case any of you were wondering. :D )
In His Love,
Anyway, may I present: Into the West by Annie Lennox....
This is probably one of my favorite songs from this movie... it so haunting & tragically beautiful..... Most of the words are taken from a scene with Gandalf & Pippin are waiting for the enemy to attack another level of Minas Tirith. (just in case any of you were wondering. :D )
In His Love,
Friday, August 19, 2011
Music Mix-up Post 24
This song seemed fitting after the past few weeks.... I don't really have a whole lot to say about it this week... I'll let the song speak for itself. "It Is Not Death to Die," by Sovereign Grace Music.
In His Love,
In His Love,
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Death has become such a large part of my life lately.... There have been five different people that I know/know of that have died in the past three weeks....
A sixteen-year old son and older brother was killed in a car crash...
A father and husband of many years lost the fight with Parkinson's and won the fight for God.....
A wife and mother passed on in her sleep........
Another wife and mother lost her fight with cancer......
A young man: a brother, a son, a Soldier, died when his helicopter was shot down in Afghanistan.
All of these have gone home to be with God, and we who are left behind go on.... Bereft of the ones that we love, we do our best to move forward, trying to live life with their continual absence....
My heart breaks for the families that have lost loved ones... I don't know what to say... but I think of them often and pray for them.
Tomorrow is the day for the funeral for the fallen soldier. If you think of them, please pray....
In His Love,
A sixteen-year old son and older brother was killed in a car crash...
A father and husband of many years lost the fight with Parkinson's and won the fight for God.....
A wife and mother passed on in her sleep........
Another wife and mother lost her fight with cancer......
A young man: a brother, a son, a Soldier, died when his helicopter was shot down in Afghanistan.
All of these have gone home to be with God, and we who are left behind go on.... Bereft of the ones that we love, we do our best to move forward, trying to live life with their continual absence....
My heart breaks for the families that have lost loved ones... I don't know what to say... but I think of them often and pray for them.
Tomorrow is the day for the funeral for the fallen soldier. If you think of them, please pray....
In His Love,
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Music Mix-up Post 23
I was trying to find a good song for this week, and this one really stood out to me. "I Won't Let Go," by Rascal Flatts.
I love how this song speaks of courage and hope. In life, we are never truly alone. God has given us fellow believers to come along side of us when we can't go on alone. We were never meant to be alone....
If you have a special friend in your life who is always there, no matter what, then be sure to tell them how much they mean to you... Friends like that are rare, and a treasure.
In His Love,
I love how this song speaks of courage and hope. In life, we are never truly alone. God has given us fellow believers to come along side of us when we can't go on alone. We were never meant to be alone....
If you have a special friend in your life who is always there, no matter what, then be sure to tell them how much they mean to you... Friends like that are rare, and a treasure.
In His Love,
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Music Mix-up Post 22
This week has been a very long one... but I heard this song on my Pandora yesterday, and thought it fit perfectly.
My prayer is that I won't run from the pain, but let God do His work in me...
In His Love,
My prayer is that I won't run from the pain, but let God do His work in me...
In His Love,
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
The following is a poem I wrote yesterday..... It seems to fit life lately....
Raindrops run down the window
Leaving a trail of tears in their wake...
The wind tears at the house,
Searching for a way in.
Raindrops fall down my face
Leaving a path of sorrow in their wake...
I fall to my knees, searching for the truth,
As the wind tears at my soul.
In the stillness, I hear Your voice,
"Be still, My Child, and know that I AM GOD."
Raindrops run down my cheeks,
Leaving a ribbon of hope and healing in their wake.
In His Love,
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Blogging Challenge....... The End (UBC #31)
The end of the month has arrived.... It has been a very very crazy month!
My brother was home, and then he left for Afghanistan.... How I miss my crazy brother!
I tried to finish writing my story... Truly I did! :) But it just didn't seem to work out.
Camp was awesome! When I've had more time to process everything, I'll be sure to share it with you all.... I got some pictures from Eric Samuel Timm, and a free cd from Mark Allen. There are a couple of songs on it that have rapidly become favorites. I'm sure I'll be sharing them later.
My week in a nutshell and then my good news about the job. I'm working on getting my cpr & first aid redone.
My mom had surgery.....
Then this past weekend, with Matthew dieing in the car accident, and my grandfather needing surgery, and Uncle Russ slowly dieing....
This month has been comprised of Joy and Sorrow mixed together.... While sometimes life seems to be easier than other times, this month has been a reminder that we aren't made for this earth... We are simply passing through. But, not only is the destination important, so is the journey. May I challenge you to make your journey worthwhile.
In His Love,
My brother was home, and then he left for Afghanistan.... How I miss my crazy brother!
I tried to finish writing my story... Truly I did! :) But it just didn't seem to work out.
Camp was awesome! When I've had more time to process everything, I'll be sure to share it with you all.... I got some pictures from Eric Samuel Timm, and a free cd from Mark Allen. There are a couple of songs on it that have rapidly become favorites. I'm sure I'll be sharing them later.
My week in a nutshell and then my good news about the job. I'm working on getting my cpr & first aid redone.
My mom had surgery.....
Then this past weekend, with Matthew dieing in the car accident, and my grandfather needing surgery, and Uncle Russ slowly dieing....
This month has been comprised of Joy and Sorrow mixed together.... While sometimes life seems to be easier than other times, this month has been a reminder that we aren't made for this earth... We are simply passing through. But, not only is the destination important, so is the journey. May I challenge you to make your journey worthwhile.
In His Love,
When I Get Where I'm Going.... (UBC #30)
I heard this song a long time ago, but for whatever reason (life, maybe) it's been running around my head the past few days..... "When I Get Where I'm Going," by Brad Paisley & Dolly Parton
A part of me just can't wait to be truly home once and for all....
In His Love,
A part of me just can't wait to be truly home once and for all....
In His Love,
Prayer Requests.... (UBC #29)
My grandfather was taken to the hospital early this morning. He thought that he might be having a heart attack... His heart has a murmur and tomorrow they are going to put in a pacemaker....
On old friend of the family has had Parkinson's for years. He has had trouble swallowing for quite a while. They tried putting in a feeding tube, but it froze up his internal organs. He can't have any liquids or anything. He has at the most two weeks to live....
Another family friend is burying their sixteen year old son this Tuesday. (See Joy & Sorrow. His obituary is also available.) They have six younger children....
Please, just pray.
In His Love,
On old friend of the family has had Parkinson's for years. He has had trouble swallowing for quite a while. They tried putting in a feeding tube, but it froze up his internal organs. He can't have any liquids or anything. He has at the most two weeks to live....
Another family friend is burying their sixteen year old son this Tuesday. (See Joy & Sorrow. His obituary is also available.) They have six younger children....
Please, just pray.
In His Love,
Friday, July 29, 2011
Joy and Sorrow... (UBC #28)
Today was the last day of camp. Camp was such a wonderful experience. A part of me didn't want to come home. I learned so much while I was there.... Just being in God's presence, and listening to Him was so good. (I'll have more on all of that later.)
I was sad to leave, but I had such a fun drive back with my campers. When I got home, my mom told me some sad news. A friend of the family's son has in a horrific accident this morning. Matthew was driving the van and hit a grain truck head on. He died while they were airlifting him to the hospital in Rochester.
One never knows when the hour will come. My brother is in a war zone, and yet Matthew died in a car accident. Makes me wonder, is what I'm doing going to matter in the long run? When I leave this earth, will I leave it with relationships broken or mended? This was just so hard hitting, especially after this past week....
Tonight, I'm going to hug my siblings... share the computer.... cuddle Sean while we watch a movie.... And thank God that I'm here to spend time with them. And that they are still here to love on. And pray for those who no longer have a sibling to love.
In His Love and with tears,
I was sad to leave, but I had such a fun drive back with my campers. When I got home, my mom told me some sad news. A friend of the family's son has in a horrific accident this morning. Matthew was driving the van and hit a grain truck head on. He died while they were airlifting him to the hospital in Rochester.
One never knows when the hour will come. My brother is in a war zone, and yet Matthew died in a car accident. Makes me wonder, is what I'm doing going to matter in the long run? When I leave this earth, will I leave it with relationships broken or mended? This was just so hard hitting, especially after this past week....
Tonight, I'm going to hug my siblings... share the computer.... cuddle Sean while we watch a movie.... And thank God that I'm here to spend time with them. And that they are still here to love on. And pray for those who no longer have a sibling to love.
In His Love and with tears,
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Music Mix-up Post 21 (UBC #27)
This is the last Music Mix-up post in July, so this will be the last patriotic one I do for a while. I have enjoyed looking for these songs, and I hope you have enjoyed listening to them as much as I have. The first song is, "Letters from War," by Mark Schultz.
The first time I saw this music video was actually at an Air Force Basic church service. I cried. And I know I wasn't the only one....
This second song I heard just a couple of weeks ago, but I thought it went so nicely with "Letters from War" that I had to do them together. May I present, "Letters from Home," by John Michael Montgomery. I tried to find a way to publish the music video but I couldn't do it, but if you click on the link you can watch it. The music video is so well done, and I love it, but this video works just as well.
Both of these songs are so touching. In today's day of technological advances, we sometimes forget how comforting a letter in the mail can be. If you have a soldier, or you know someone who does, or even if you don't.... send a letter. It could make all the difference in the world.
In His Love,
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Jostie Flick #5 (UBC #26)
Okay, so I'm still at camp. But I thought I'd put this one out here to make you all smile for the day. :)
If you have spent any time with me, you will know that I have a mild obsession with socks. (I'm not sure I can tell you how many different pairs of striped/patterned pairs of socks I have.) So, yes I know it isn't exactly the funniest one, I enjoy it. Solely because of the socks. ;) May the socks rule!
In His Love,
If you have spent any time with me, you will know that I have a mild obsession with socks. (I'm not sure I can tell you how many different pairs of striped/patterned pairs of socks I have.) So, yes I know it isn't exactly the funniest one, I enjoy it. Solely because of the socks. ;) May the socks rule!
In His Love,
Monday, July 25, 2011
Adventure is out there!! (UBC #25)
Well, it is early Monday morning, and I am getting ready to head off to camp for a week!
I am going to try and do a little bit of blogging while I am gone, but if you don't hear from me, I will be sure to fill you all in when I get back! Have a wonderful week and enjoy the lovely weather. I know I will!
In His Love,
I am going to try and do a little bit of blogging while I am gone, but if you don't hear from me, I will be sure to fill you all in when I get back! Have a wonderful week and enjoy the lovely weather. I know I will!
In His Love,
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Prince of Persia: Sands of Time (UBC #24)
It is said that some lives are linked across time.
Connected by an ancient calling that echoes through the ages.
The opening lines to one of my favorite movies. Granted, I hide when the snakes come out, and cry when Garsiv dies. Oh, and Seso too. Giving up their lives to do the right thing. (Yes, I know - it's only a movie! But still...)
Anyway, I just finished watching this movie with my sister Annie tonight. I hadn't watched it since it was in theaters last year, and didn't remember most of it. Just the snakes. :) I tried to put together a blog post or two while I watched it, but I just couldn't focus. (Did I mention that I thought that this movie is amazing??!?!?)
My advice? If you like action movies, than this one is just right for you!
In His Love,
Connected by an ancient calling that echoes through the ages.
The opening lines to one of my favorite movies. Granted, I hide when the snakes come out, and cry when Garsiv dies. Oh, and Seso too. Giving up their lives to do the right thing. (Yes, I know - it's only a movie! But still...)
Anyway, I just finished watching this movie with my sister Annie tonight. I hadn't watched it since it was in theaters last year, and didn't remember most of it. Just the snakes. :) I tried to put together a blog post or two while I watched it, but I just couldn't focus. (Did I mention that I thought that this movie is amazing??!?!?)
My advice? If you like action movies, than this one is just right for you!
In His Love,
Saturday, July 23, 2011
To go back or forward? (UBC #23)
Lately, I've been visiting my memories.... Remembering the good times, glossing over the not so good... Sometimes wishing I could go back to when times were easier, simpler. When I was happy. I am happy now, don't get me wrong... But sometimes the past seems better than the future, only because it is safe. Familiar. But I can't go back. I can only go forward...
In my musings, a fellow blogger friend posted this on her blog, and it seemed so fitting, that I thought I'd share it with you. "Painting Pictures of Egypt," by Sara Groves.
I have to tell myself the truth in all things - the past, the present, and the future. Only the Truth will set me free. I'd love to say more, but my computer is about to die. :) Have a wonderful night.
In His Love,
In my musings, a fellow blogger friend posted this on her blog, and it seemed so fitting, that I thought I'd share it with you. "Painting Pictures of Egypt," by Sara Groves.
I have to tell myself the truth in all things - the past, the present, and the future. Only the Truth will set me free. I'd love to say more, but my computer is about to die. :) Have a wonderful night.
In His Love,
Random pieces of life... (UBC #22)
So... This past week has been busy. We had company all week, and I slept in Sean's room. :) This morning I woke up to Sean pretending to sneeze and then laughing hysterically. It was so funny, and such a fun way to wake up this morning....
This evening I gave Sean a bubble bath. Only, what I wasn't exactly aware of at the fact that Sean's favorite pastime while taking a bubble bath is to throw the bubbles at the person bathing him. I proceeded to get very wet!
After cleaning the house, my sisters and I decided to watch a movie. The choices: Iron Will, Free Style, Ice Princess, Miracle, 7 Brides for 7 Brothers, Cranford, North and South, and last but not least, Wives and Daughters. Since the four of us were having a hard time coming to a compromise, we devised a rather unique solution. We wrote down all the names of the movies and put them in an empty Kleenex box. Then, without looking at the piece of paper, we all drew out one. After dumping the other four choices on the table, we put the unread pieces that we'd drawn back into the Kleenex box. I then drew out one piece. Cranford won. However, dissension still arose. Since two of the other three pieces choices in the box also contained Wives and Daughters, as well as North and South, I came up with an ingenious solution. One episode of Cranford, then one of North and South, and then one of Wives and Daughters. Yes, it will take hours and hours to finish them, but it's fun this way! We watched one of Cranford, and then one of North and South before Riah and Kathryn had to head to bed. But we will watch it again, starting with Wives and Daughters. :)
Tomorrow I will have to pack, as Annie and I leave for camp bright and early Monday morning. Item #12 will be started then! I'm so excited! I will post lots of pictures when I get back. Ready or not Adventure, here I come!!!
In His Love,
This evening I gave Sean a bubble bath. Only, what I wasn't exactly aware of at the fact that Sean's favorite pastime while taking a bubble bath is to throw the bubbles at the person bathing him. I proceeded to get very wet!
After cleaning the house, my sisters and I decided to watch a movie. The choices: Iron Will, Free Style, Ice Princess, Miracle, 7 Brides for 7 Brothers, Cranford, North and South, and last but not least, Wives and Daughters. Since the four of us were having a hard time coming to a compromise, we devised a rather unique solution. We wrote down all the names of the movies and put them in an empty Kleenex box. Then, without looking at the piece of paper, we all drew out one. After dumping the other four choices on the table, we put the unread pieces that we'd drawn back into the Kleenex box. I then drew out one piece. Cranford won. However, dissension still arose. Since two of the other three pieces choices in the box also contained Wives and Daughters, as well as North and South, I came up with an ingenious solution. One episode of Cranford, then one of North and South, and then one of Wives and Daughters. Yes, it will take hours and hours to finish them, but it's fun this way! We watched one of Cranford, and then one of North and South before Riah and Kathryn had to head to bed. But we will watch it again, starting with Wives and Daughters. :)
Tomorrow I will have to pack, as Annie and I leave for camp bright and early Monday morning. Item #12 will be started then! I'm so excited! I will post lots of pictures when I get back. Ready or not Adventure, here I come!!!
In His Love,
Jostie Flick #4 (UBC #21)
I haven't done a Jostie Flick for awhile, so I thought that I'd put one up. :) Here is "A Suitor's Tale," which, if you haven't seen it, is so funny! (And if you have seen it, it's still funny!)
My favorite line? Oh, that would be, "I will never love again!" And then, "Who am I, Michael Landon Junior?" *GIGGLES*
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
In His Love,
My favorite line? Oh, that would be, "I will never love again!" And then, "Who am I, Michael Landon Junior?" *GIGGLES*
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
In His Love,
Friday, July 22, 2011
In Flanders Field (UBC #20)
In Flanders Field
In Flanders Field the poppies blow
Between the crosses row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset's glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders Field.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders Field.
I first read this poem in high school. I had to memorize it, and it is one of the things that has stayed with me, both because of its haunting beauty and fervent plea. This poem was written by Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae, MD for the Canadian Army in May of 1915. This poem is a lasting legacy of the terrible battle in the Ypres salient in the spring of 1915. One of Lieut. McCrae's friends and a former student, Lieut. Helmer, was killed by a shell burst on May 2, 1915. He was buried in the little cemetery outside Lieut. McCrae's dressing station, and since the chaplain was absent, McCrae performed the funeral service. This poem came out of the anguish and pain of losing his friend.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Music Mix-up Post 20 (UBC #19)
After browsing around for quite a while, trying to find the perfect song, and I have finally just given up. I have to go with the first song I liked (and quit crying over all the touching songs!) So, the song for this week is, "Brothers," by Dean Brody.
This song always makes me cry.... Especially now that my own brother is gone overseas to defend our freedom. I miss him.... He might not be my older brother, but he still looks after me just the same.
I was only going to do one music video, but I just found this one and thought it was so cute that I had to share it. "Daddy, Where You Going?" by Joe Myers & Jim Flynn.
This song sorta says it all.....
In His Love,
This song always makes me cry.... Especially now that my own brother is gone overseas to defend our freedom. I miss him.... He might not be my older brother, but he still looks after me just the same.
I was only going to do one music video, but I just found this one and thought it was so cute that I had to share it. "Daddy, Where You Going?" by Joe Myers & Jim Flynn.
This song sorta says it all.....
In His Love,
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Good news!! (UBC #18)
I had an interview today! I'm pretty sure that I'm going to get the job. I'll be working on the daycare that our church runs. I'm really excited about this. If I get this job, I'll be working as an aide, with the options of moving up to as an Assistant Teacher, and then possibly a Lead Teacher.
I've always loved working with children, and this could be a really good experience for me, too. :) So I'm currently filling out the application, counting out the hours that I've already spent nannying, and trying to get a transcript. (To move up from an aide's position, you need so many hours plus so many post secondary credits. And my ASL classes from last year count!)
Anyway, I should go and finish filling out the application instead of spending time on-line. ;) The application won't fill itself out!
In His Love,
I've always loved working with children, and this could be a really good experience for me, too. :) So I'm currently filling out the application, counting out the hours that I've already spent nannying, and trying to get a transcript. (To move up from an aide's position, you need so many hours plus so many post secondary credits. And my ASL classes from last year count!)
Anyway, I should go and finish filling out the application instead of spending time on-line. ;) The application won't fill itself out!
In His Love,
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
PUPPY!! (UBC #17)
Good news!! We are getting a puppy in just a couple of weeks! We are going to get either one of these two dogs.
These little guys are so adorable!! I honestly can't decide which one I think is cuter - the black and white one, or the all white one. Opinions anyone? :)
In His Love,
These little guys are so adorable!! I honestly can't decide which one I think is cuter - the black and white one, or the all white one. Opinions anyone? :)
In His Love,
Monday, July 18, 2011
Half Way!!! (UBC #16)
This post marks my half way point towards 31 posts in the month of July. I'm only a couple of days behind, so I'm feeling pretty good about it right now. I still have a long way to go, and I'm going to be a camp counselor next week, so I won't have time to be blogging then. :) I was thinking about doing something thoughtful or deep for this post, but nah. :) I'm just going to celebrate the half way mark, and put something theepful (thoughtful + deep) up some other time. Maybe later today. :)
*giggles* This is one of my favorite pieces of flair. So, I thought I'd share it with you. Stay cool, and enjoy the sunshine!!! :)
In His Love,
*giggles* This is one of my favorite pieces of flair. So, I thought I'd share it with you. Stay cool, and enjoy the sunshine!!! :)
In His Love,
Sunday, July 17, 2011
What If? (UBC #15)
The theme for my church this year is "What If....?" What if you changed one thing this year about your walk with God, what would 2012 look like compared to 2010?
Lately I have been really wrestling with some things, especially now that I've lost my two jobs, and just really trying to understand why it happened. One night last week, I just said to God, "I don't understand. Why did this happen?" And clear as a bell, He said, "It isn't for you to ask for understanding, or to ask why. Instead ask How."
So.... What if I asked God How He wanted me to live, to love? And then actually walked it out? What would my life look like? How would that change my life and in turn, change the lives of those around me? What if I walked in love and grace instead of selfishness and indifference? It won't be easy, that's for sure! Going against my fleshly nature isn't something I do very well, but I know if I want to grow closer to God, I need to mature. Honestly, I'd been really struggling with juggling all of the things that I had to take care of, and just asking God what He really wants me to be doing with my life.
Now I'm currently jobless, and I don't know exactly what I'm going to be doing. But I'm okay with that. And now I can really focus on some things in my life that I need to work on. And maybe do some of those projects that I haven't had time for. I'm actually almost excited. Life is an adventure, and God has the map. I'll keep you all posted on how the journey is going.
In His Love,
Lately I have been really wrestling with some things, especially now that I've lost my two jobs, and just really trying to understand why it happened. One night last week, I just said to God, "I don't understand. Why did this happen?" And clear as a bell, He said, "It isn't for you to ask for understanding, or to ask why. Instead ask How."
So.... What if I asked God How He wanted me to live, to love? And then actually walked it out? What would my life look like? How would that change my life and in turn, change the lives of those around me? What if I walked in love and grace instead of selfishness and indifference? It won't be easy, that's for sure! Going against my fleshly nature isn't something I do very well, but I know if I want to grow closer to God, I need to mature. Honestly, I'd been really struggling with juggling all of the things that I had to take care of, and just asking God what He really wants me to be doing with my life.
Now I'm currently jobless, and I don't know exactly what I'm going to be doing. But I'm okay with that. And now I can really focus on some things in my life that I need to work on. And maybe do some of those projects that I haven't had time for. I'm actually almost excited. Life is an adventure, and God has the map. I'll keep you all posted on how the journey is going.
In His Love,
Jostie Flick #3 (UBC #14)
Seriously, these Jostie Flicks crack me up!! I hope y'all are enjoying these as much as I am. Even if you aren't, that's okay. :) *giggles* So, may I present "Tucked In."
Have a fun Sunday!
In His Love,
Have a fun Sunday!
In His Love,
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Music Mix-up Post 19 (UBC #13)
Since last week was the fourth of July, I thought I'd continue doing patriot music for this month. :) One of my most absolute favorite patriot songs is, "God Bless the U.S.A.," by Lee Greenwood.
This song inspires me. It makes my heart swell with gratitude and pride for all of the service men and women who are and have served our country. And for their families too.
I debated on whether or not to do two songs or not, but I decided to go ahead and do two. This song is in honor of my brother, who is leaving for Afghanistan this week. In honor of him and everyone else who left today, may I present "American Soldier," by Toby Keith.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! My prayers are with all of you who are serving.
In His Love,
This song inspires me. It makes my heart swell with gratitude and pride for all of the service men and women who are and have served our country. And for their families too.
I debated on whether or not to do two songs or not, but I decided to go ahead and do two. This song is in honor of my brother, who is leaving for Afghanistan this week. In honor of him and everyone else who left today, may I present "American Soldier," by Toby Keith.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! My prayers are with all of you who are serving.
In His Love,
My week in a nutshell.... (UBC #12)
Last Sunday I got fired from my job. I've never been fired from a job before. I've quit jobs before, and I've had a business close for the summer, but I've never had to deal with the feelings of inadequacies that I felt last Sunday. And then, when I was just starting to adjust to the thought of losing one job, I got fired from my other job today. The first job I'd only had a couple of months, but the second job I'd had for almost two years. Oh, and I got really sick on Tuesday, too and my mom had surgery on her shoulder Thursday....
Needless to say, I'm still in a bit of a shock. This week has just been one thing after another. I honestly don't know what I'm going to do now.... But this one thing I do know. None of it was a surprise to God. And I'm going to continue to trust Him for His plan. I don't know what else to do, other than wait and pray. So if you think of me, please pray. Pray that I will have wisdom and humility. Wisdom to know what I am supposed to do now, to discern what is a lie and what is truth, and humility to being willing to listen to advise I might not like.
One of the lies that I have battled with most of my older life is the lie that: Something must be wrong with me. And that just simply isn't the truth. Yes, I have flaws, problems, issues, sins, just like everyone else. But that doesn't mean that I should wallow in the self-pity and wring my hands and declare my life a failure. Because that isn't the truth. God created me and He loves me, just the way I am. His plan is in action, and never wasn't. He is my All-Sufficient One. He alone can truly satisfy the desires of my heart. And I am working on choosing to remain content in all situations.
In His Love,
Needless to say, I'm still in a bit of a shock. This week has just been one thing after another. I honestly don't know what I'm going to do now.... But this one thing I do know. None of it was a surprise to God. And I'm going to continue to trust Him for His plan. I don't know what else to do, other than wait and pray. So if you think of me, please pray. Pray that I will have wisdom and humility. Wisdom to know what I am supposed to do now, to discern what is a lie and what is truth, and humility to being willing to listen to advise I might not like.
One of the lies that I have battled with most of my older life is the lie that: Something must be wrong with me. And that just simply isn't the truth. Yes, I have flaws, problems, issues, sins, just like everyone else. But that doesn't mean that I should wallow in the self-pity and wring my hands and declare my life a failure. Because that isn't the truth. God created me and He loves me, just the way I am. His plan is in action, and never wasn't. He is my All-Sufficient One. He alone can truly satisfy the desires of my heart. And I am working on choosing to remain content in all situations.
In His Love,
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Splish and Splash (UBC #11)
So, it started raining earlier today, and for whatever reason, I was in a really really good mood. So I decided to *giggle* go outside and put a letter in the mail. And on the way back, I started singing, "Singing in the Rain." It seemed like a really good song to sing while out in the rain, right? :) And then I was chatting with my friend Jessica, and we came started coming up with different words to "Jingle Bells," and I just had to share them with y'all. So may I present, "Splish, Splash," sung to the tune of "Jingle Bells."
Dashing through the rain
In my rubber boots down Main.
I'm so glad it's May,
Splashing all the way!
Umbrellas all pop up,
Making spirits bright.
Oh, what fun it is to sing a splashing tonight!
Oh, Splish and Splash, Splish and Splash
Splashing all the way!
Oh what fun it is to splash
All the way through May!
Splish and Splash, Splish and Splash
Splashing all the way!
Oh what fun it is to splash
All the way through May! Hey!
Oh, and don't forget!
I hope you all enjoyed this as much as I do! Don't stay too dry... And I do believe the sun is starting to come out. Maybe I'll even see a rainbow!
In His Love,
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Amazing? Yes! (UBC #10)
I was checking my facebook today, and came across this video that I just had to share with y'all! I am a huge fan of Sound of Music, so this was really awesome to see!
And would you believe they only practiced twice??!??!? I wish I had talent like that! :) Have a great day!
In His Love,
And would you believe they only practiced twice??!??!? I wish I had talent like that! :) Have a great day!
In His Love,
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Jostie Flick #2 (UBC #9)
Ever wake up with a to-do list that would rival Mt. Everest, but discover that there is no way that you can get it all done? That happened to me today. I woke up with a cold... I was hoping to finish working in the playroom today, but I think I'm going to have to take a rain check. I was also hoping to put up a bunch of blog posts - try and catch up on the challenge, but my brain is telling me: huh? I know there was more, but for the life of me I can't remember! :) So, I thought I might as well put up SOMETHING today so I don't keep on falling behind. Thank goodness for Jostie Flicks! It was a tough decision. I had it narrowed down to three, but then I found this one, and the other three flew right out the window! May I present, "Soul Mates."
This was just what I needed today for a pick-me-up! The past seven days have been very tumultuous for me. (More on that later... Some of it still is processing.) But I hope this brings a smile to your face and joy to your day!
In His Love,
This was just what I needed today for a pick-me-up! The past seven days have been very tumultuous for me. (More on that later... Some of it still is processing.) But I hope this brings a smile to your face and joy to your day!
In His Love,
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Crazy? Possibly.... (UBC #8)
I really have to quit getting ideas late at night....
Lulu is doing a free publishing for a brief period of time. The end of July, to be exact. My dear friend Jessica was telling me all about it, and was encouraging me to go for it. So, to add to my regular life, I'm going to try and finish a story in about two weeks. I only have two weeks before I head off to camp for a week. (Which I am totally excited about, by the way.)
Lulu is doing a free publishing for a brief period of time. The end of July, to be exact. My dear friend Jessica was telling me all about it, and was encouraging me to go for it. So, to add to my regular life, I'm going to try and finish a story in about two weeks. I only have two weeks before I head off to camp for a week. (Which I am totally excited about, by the way.)
So, as Shakespeare once said,
Do I write or don't I?
But, that would be insane, right?
So, I think I'm going to try
And I'll see you at the end!!!!
In His Love,
Friday, July 8, 2011
Music Mix-up Post 18 (UBC #7)
With Monday being the fourth of July, I thought I'd put the National Anthem as my music song for this week.... Couldn't find a music video I liked. What kind of country have we become were I can find all sorts of music videos on all sorts of things, but the National Anthem? Couldn't find a decent one. Most were either instrumental, or sung bizarrely, or badly taped NFL videos. And just when I was about to give up all hope of ever finding one that I actually liked, and wondering if I should just simply pick a different song, I found this music video. I hadn't really liked most of the acapella versions that I'd found, but this one I actually liked.
I hope you all had a lovely 4th, and please remember all who have died for your freedom, and those who continue to serve and protect us.
In His Love,
I hope you all had a lovely 4th, and please remember all who have died for your freedom, and those who continue to serve and protect us.
In His Love,
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Jostie Flick #1 (UBC #6)
I was looking around on youtube, trying to find the perfect video for this week's Music Mix-Up post, when my friend Jessica started talking about the Jostie Flicks. I'd seen a few of them, but not really "followed" them. But I came across some really funny ones, and since I'm trying to do the whole 31 blog posts in 31 days, I'd thought I'd add some Jostie Flicks posts.
"Better Together" just cracks me up!! I've never seen it before, and I can't help but laugh! The whole "Romeo" and "Juliette" and I'm expecting some band of soldiers to come running out from hiding... And no, it's Cheerios. It's just so funny!!
Anyway, enjoy your laugh for the day, and I'll have the Music Mix-Up post up soon. Right after I quit watching Jostie Flicks and can find the perfect song. :)
In His Love,
"Better Together" just cracks me up!! I've never seen it before, and I can't help but laugh! The whole "Romeo" and "Juliette" and I'm expecting some band of soldiers to come running out from hiding... And no, it's Cheerios. It's just so funny!!
Anyway, enjoy your laugh for the day, and I'll have the Music Mix-Up post up soon. Right after I quit watching Jostie Flicks and can find the perfect song. :)
In His Love,
Transformers 3 (UBC #5)

Okay, I'm just going to come out and admit it.... I'm a bit of a nerd/geek. I am a huge fan of the Transformer movies (second one not so much but it was still cool) and so I just had to share this info with y'all. My church had a float in the local parade for the 4th, and I signed up to walk in it. Boy, was it fun! One of the really cool things was seeing this vehicle at the line-up for the float.
You can't really tell, but if you look at the door, you can see the Transformer symbol on it. This fire truck was built locally and used in the film Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon. And to think that I got to stand next to this truck!! :) I wish I had a picture of that, but I didn't bring anything with me to walk in the parade - didn't want to worry about losing it or carrying it for the whole time. :( But just to give y'all an idea about how big it was, I wasn't much taller than the tire! If you want to read more about it, you can go to this page where there is an article and a news video interview.
In His Love,
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Sadness.... (UBC #4)
Today my brother left.... He was home for 17 days.... 17 days of sunshine and rain.... fun and work.... hugs and movies.... fireworks and mosquito bites... I will treasure the memories that were made in my heart always... I know he needs to do what he has to do, but I will miss him while he is gone.
This song has been running in my mind for the past few days. It seemed fitting. "I'm Already There," by Lonestar.
In His Love,
This song has been running in my mind for the past few days. It seemed fitting. "I'm Already There," by Lonestar.
In His Love,
Monday, July 4, 2011
Happy Fourth of July!! (UBC #3)
I hope you all have a wonderful 4th of July! Stay cool and dry, and hug those who are close to you!
In His Love,
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Blogging Challenge (UBC #1)
My friend Dané was telling me about a blogging challenge that is going on for this month - 31 blog posts in 31 days. Doesn't necessarily have to be a blog post per day - you could do more than one blog post a day. And since #13 on my to-do list this year is to blog more, I thought, why not? And, since the challenge started yesterday, I can count my Music Mix-up Post as one of them. :)
And I know that there will be moments when I feel like that cat but I think I'm going to try it anyway. :) Wish me luck, y'all, cause I know I'm going to need it! And if any of you feel like joining me, let's do it!
In His Love,
![]() |
I'm doing this WHY?!??! |
And I know that there will be moments when I feel like that cat but I think I'm going to try it anyway. :) Wish me luck, y'all, cause I know I'm going to need it! And if any of you feel like joining me, let's do it!
In His Love,
Friday, July 1, 2011
Music Mix-up Post 17 (UBC #2)
I just have to say - I am totally blaming this post on my little brother Sean. When it's early in the morning and he's awake, he likes to watch movies on my phone. So, we were watching "Barbie: Princess & the Pauper" the other day, and so may I present to you: "The Cat's Meow."
I know I'm blaming this song on my brother, but honestly, I'm rather fond of this song myself. :) I'm quirky, I know. Don't believe me, ask the dishes! Or my family. Either way, I'm sure you'll get a response. My favorite line is: "And if the you is a strange you, doesn't mean you should change you. Only means, you should change your point of view!" I know I've said this before, but I'm a bit of a people pleaser, so I've wasted time just trying to "fit in" and get other people to like me...
Anyone, this is one of those songs that just makes my heart smile and my day seem brighter, so I thought I'd share it with you. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
In His Love,
I know I'm blaming this song on my brother, but honestly, I'm rather fond of this song myself. :) I'm quirky, I know. Don't believe me, ask the dishes! Or my family. Either way, I'm sure you'll get a response. My favorite line is: "And if the you is a strange you, doesn't mean you should change you. Only means, you should change your point of view!" I know I've said this before, but I'm a bit of a people pleaser, so I've wasted time just trying to "fit in" and get other people to like me...
Anyone, this is one of those songs that just makes my heart smile and my day seem brighter, so I thought I'd share it with you. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
In His Love,
Friday, June 17, 2011
Music Mix-up Post 16
This week has been super crazy, but I'm not really sure I could tell you exactly what all happened.... It just seemed like a bunch of stuff has been piling up and piling up.... Little things, you know? And some things just really bugged me, and I'm having a hard time letting go, but I know that I need to. Now that I've made everything just about as clear as Mississippi Mud, I'd like to give to you, "This Is The Stuff," by Francesca Battistelli.
Guess this song says it all... Everything has a purpose.... I just have to be willing to let Him work in my heart. Even when it goes against what I want. Especially when it goes against what I want. :)
In His Love,
Guess this song says it all... Everything has a purpose.... I just have to be willing to let Him work in my heart. Even when it goes against what I want. Especially when it goes against what I want. :)
In His Love,
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Music Mix-up Post 15
These past few weeks I have been crazy busy. But in a good way. A couple of weeks ago, my siblings and I watched "Prince Caspian," which I haven't really seen in a loooong time. I had forgotten how much I loved that movie, in particular the song "The Call," by Regina Spektor. Which I have decided is my music song for this week! :)
I don't know why I like this song, but I do.... Going forward, going back, going forward again.... Things always changing, but ever the same.
In His Love,
I don't know why I like this song, but I do.... Going forward, going back, going forward again.... Things always changing, but ever the same.
In His Love,
Music Mix-up Post 13
Okay - this is a blog post that I put up a couple of weeks ago but blogger crashed and it disappeared. So, I'm re-posting it.
There has been much talk this past week about the death of Osama Bin Laden... Whether, as Christians, we should rejoice in the death of a nonbeliever. Scripture has been quoted, thoughts have been said, blog posts have been written, words have flown, and sides have been drawn. Some people believe that there is only one right answer to this question. But I think that sometimes, in moments like these, we have forgotten the past.... The terror that we all felt when we watched the second plane fly into the Twin Towers.... when the towers started falling.... the plane crashing into the Pentagon..... the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania... The war that Osama brought to our soil. President Bush vowed to get him, and our military did. Many brave men and women have lost their lives in order to help preserve our lives.
So, I ask you... would you rather he still be alive to continue wrecking havoc in our world? Having him dead doesn't solve all of our problems. I know that... but honestly folks, he has had his opportunity to repent, and he'd rather kill us all. Yes, I am sad that he will be in hell, separated from God for all of eternity, but I am relieved that he isn't alive anymore. One of the verses that people have been quoting is Proverbs 24:17-18: "Do not rejoice when you enemy falls, and do not let your heart be glad when he stumbles; Or the LORD will see it and be displeased, and turn His anger away from him."
But if we are going to start quoting Proverbs, let's not forget this one either: Proverbs 11:10: "When it goes well with the righteous, the city rejoices, and when the wicked perish, there is joyful shouting." Does Scripture contradict itself? No, it doesn't. I don't think that both of those views that are presented in these Scriptures are mutually exclusive from each other. You can be glad when the wicked perishes without gloating about it.
I vacillated back and forth about which songs to use, and finally settled on two. The first one is "Have You Forgotten?" by Darryl Worley.
This song always makes me want to cry.... But it so true... How often would we rather forget what happened? It didn't happen in my neighborhood, it doesn't really affect me. But it did happen in our country and our families are paying the cost of it. It's easy to forget. It is harder to remember. Because if we remember, then we have to do something about what happened.
The second song is "Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue," by Toby Keith
This song just cracks me up. It is one of my absolutely favorite songs. It stirs my heart and American pride. I am proud of my country. No, it isn't a perfect country, but it is mine. And it was founded on principles and freedom. If we don't support our troops who are standing in the gap for us against those who want to destroy us, who will?
In His Love,
There has been much talk this past week about the death of Osama Bin Laden... Whether, as Christians, we should rejoice in the death of a nonbeliever. Scripture has been quoted, thoughts have been said, blog posts have been written, words have flown, and sides have been drawn. Some people believe that there is only one right answer to this question. But I think that sometimes, in moments like these, we have forgotten the past.... The terror that we all felt when we watched the second plane fly into the Twin Towers.... when the towers started falling.... the plane crashing into the Pentagon..... the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania... The war that Osama brought to our soil. President Bush vowed to get him, and our military did. Many brave men and women have lost their lives in order to help preserve our lives.
So, I ask you... would you rather he still be alive to continue wrecking havoc in our world? Having him dead doesn't solve all of our problems. I know that... but honestly folks, he has had his opportunity to repent, and he'd rather kill us all. Yes, I am sad that he will be in hell, separated from God for all of eternity, but I am relieved that he isn't alive anymore. One of the verses that people have been quoting is Proverbs 24:17-18: "Do not rejoice when you enemy falls, and do not let your heart be glad when he stumbles; Or the LORD will see it and be displeased, and turn His anger away from him."
But if we are going to start quoting Proverbs, let's not forget this one either: Proverbs 11:10: "When it goes well with the righteous, the city rejoices, and when the wicked perish, there is joyful shouting." Does Scripture contradict itself? No, it doesn't. I don't think that both of those views that are presented in these Scriptures are mutually exclusive from each other. You can be glad when the wicked perishes without gloating about it.
I vacillated back and forth about which songs to use, and finally settled on two. The first one is "Have You Forgotten?" by Darryl Worley.
This song always makes me want to cry.... But it so true... How often would we rather forget what happened? It didn't happen in my neighborhood, it doesn't really affect me. But it did happen in our country and our families are paying the cost of it. It's easy to forget. It is harder to remember. Because if we remember, then we have to do something about what happened.
The second song is "Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue," by Toby Keith
This song just cracks me up. It is one of my absolutely favorite songs. It stirs my heart and American pride. I am proud of my country. No, it isn't a perfect country, but it is mine. And it was founded on principles and freedom. If we don't support our troops who are standing in the gap for us against those who want to destroy us, who will?
In His Love,
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Dear Bloggy World
My Apologies
My dearest Bloggy world, I have neglected you.
I wish that this were not true
But alas, there was nothing I could do...
I know I said I'd blog more,
Take more pictures and explore the moor,
Put up life posts and music scores.
Life, however, is a fickle thing.
You chart your course out like a king
But you never know what the day may bring.
You plan and plan but all for naught
The best laid plans die and fall apart
Like my bunches of forget-me-nots.
My efforts have been weak at best,
Finding time can make me stressed...
I am afraid I've failed the test.
I wish I could say that I'll change my ways
So that I can write you every day...
Life is such a maze.
I do apologize profusely for my truancy.
I love you dearly, my beloved blog,
And I pray some day you will forgive me.
In His Love,
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Music Mix-up Post 14
Apparently, last week, Blogger was having issues, and if you haven't seen Music mix-up Post 13, that's because it went missing. It happened to a lot of people.... *argh! sigh* I've emailed them, hoping to see if they can find it. Otherwise, I'm going to have to rewrite.
I thought about redoing it for this week, but I really wanted to share a song that is very special to me for my birthday week, so I decided not to... May I present to you, "Defying Gravity," from the Broadway Musical "Wicked." I know what you all are thinking - "Wicked?" Wicked is the story behind two of the most famous witches of all time - the Wicked Witch of the West and Glenda from "The Wizard of Oz." I've never seen the movie, and I haven't seen the Broadway show, but this song is amazing!! I couldn't decide which music video I wanted to put up, so I decided to do two. The first one sort of tells the story behind the song, but the part of Glinda isn't played by Kristen Chenoweth - I don't know who this girl is, but I love Kristen Chenoweth and Idina Menzel's duo, so I put that video up too. :) Enjoy!
And this one is the one with Kristen Chenoweth and Idina Menzel.... They are just amazing together! I know the video isn't the best, but I just love the two of them together!! (I know, I keep repeating myself! I can't help it... :D)
So there you have it - one of my most absolutely favorite songs of all times... One of my favorite lines is: Too long I've been afraid of losing love I've guess I've lost. Well if that's love, it comes at much too high a cost.
I am a people pleaser... It isn't something I'm proud of, and I work on it.... but I realize that I do do things so that people will be happy. And I can't do that anymore - I have to do what is right/best for me and what God wants, regardless. So, this year, I'm going to try and "defy gravity." I'll let you know how it goes!
(Oh, and if you want to read the whole story between Glinda and Elphaba, you can read about it on wikipedia. They have a synopsis for ya.)
In His Love,
I thought about redoing it for this week, but I really wanted to share a song that is very special to me for my birthday week, so I decided not to... May I present to you, "Defying Gravity," from the Broadway Musical "Wicked." I know what you all are thinking - "Wicked?" Wicked is the story behind two of the most famous witches of all time - the Wicked Witch of the West and Glenda from "The Wizard of Oz." I've never seen the movie, and I haven't seen the Broadway show, but this song is amazing!! I couldn't decide which music video I wanted to put up, so I decided to do two. The first one sort of tells the story behind the song, but the part of Glinda isn't played by Kristen Chenoweth - I don't know who this girl is, but I love Kristen Chenoweth and Idina Menzel's duo, so I put that video up too. :) Enjoy!
And this one is the one with Kristen Chenoweth and Idina Menzel.... They are just amazing together! I know the video isn't the best, but I just love the two of them together!! (I know, I keep repeating myself! I can't help it... :D)
So there you have it - one of my most absolutely favorite songs of all times... One of my favorite lines is: Too long I've been afraid of losing love I've guess I've lost. Well if that's love, it comes at much too high a cost.
I am a people pleaser... It isn't something I'm proud of, and I work on it.... but I realize that I do do things so that people will be happy. And I can't do that anymore - I have to do what is right/best for me and what God wants, regardless. So, this year, I'm going to try and "defy gravity." I'll let you know how it goes!
(Oh, and if you want to read the whole story between Glinda and Elphaba, you can read about it on wikipedia. They have a synopsis for ya.)
In His Love,
Monday, May 16, 2011
Seven and Twenty, Here I come!
Today I'm turning 27 years old. I am really looking forward to this year. I know this might sound a little crazy, but I feel like this year is really going to turn into an adventure. I have no idea what all I'm going to be doing this year, but I know that God has a plan, and I'm just along for the ride. So, to help me experience the adventure, I've decided to borrow from my friend Alyssa's idea.
May I present my list of 27 things to do from May 16th, 2011 to May 16th, 2012. I hope to put up pictures of everything that happens.... :) Maybe. These are not in any order, except for the first one. Seemed fitting, considering the rest of the list.
1 ~ Live to be 28. (I know, I know, seems lame, but I'd hate to not finish the list!)
2 ~ Finish writing one of my stories. I haven't really picked one out yet, but we'll see!
3 ~ Spend more time with God.
4 ~ Go on a picnic.
5 ~ Learn how to water ski on one ski. I already know how to ski on two skies, and I think it's time I figured out how to do it on one.
6 ~ Garden more. I convinced my dad to let me get roses this year for my garden. I'm really excited to see how they turn out - pictures to come!
7 ~ Survive Nano and conquer it! Last year Nano conquered me, but I'm determined to not let that happen again!
Seven down and only twenty more to go!!!
8 ~ Go sky diving!
9 ~ Go on a date. (Doesn't necessarily have to be with a guy - but that would be cool!)
10 ~ Learn ribbon embroidery.
11 ~ Finish 1 sewing project. I have too many unfinished projects, and I want to finish at least one of them.
12 ~ Be a camp counselor. My sister is going to camp this summer, and I'm going to be one of the counselors. I think it'll be interesting, to say the least!
13 ~ Blog more. Enough said.
14 ~ Fly a kite. And yes, I am really only five. (7-2=5)
15 ~ Go Roller Skating at a rink. When I was a kid, we used to go roller skating once a month as a home school group. It was fun.
16 ~ Go camping. Doesn't necessarily have to be in a tent!
17 ~ Go on a road trip out of state. My friend and I were talking about maybe going to Canada for a weekend road trip. We only live like 8 hours away, and I've never been there, so why not?
18 ~ Learn to play guitar. I have a guitar that lives in the bottom of my closet. It's time to learn how to play it.
19 ~ Memorize 1st John.
20 ~ Color my hair.
May I present my list of 27 things to do from May 16th, 2011 to May 16th, 2012. I hope to put up pictures of everything that happens.... :) Maybe. These are not in any order, except for the first one. Seemed fitting, considering the rest of the list.
1 ~ Live to be 28. (I know, I know, seems lame, but I'd hate to not finish the list!)
2 ~ Finish writing one of my stories. I haven't really picked one out yet, but we'll see!
3 ~ Spend more time with God.
4 ~ Go on a picnic.
5 ~ Learn how to water ski on one ski. I already know how to ski on two skies, and I think it's time I figured out how to do it on one.
6 ~ Garden more. I convinced my dad to let me get roses this year for my garden. I'm really excited to see how they turn out - pictures to come!
7 ~ Survive Nano and conquer it! Last year Nano conquered me, but I'm determined to not let that happen again!
Seven down and only twenty more to go!!!
8 ~ Go sky diving!
9 ~ Go on a date. (Doesn't necessarily have to be with a guy - but that would be cool!)
10 ~ Learn ribbon embroidery.
11 ~ Finish 1 sewing project. I have too many unfinished projects, and I want to finish at least one of them.
12 ~ Be a camp counselor. My sister is going to camp this summer, and I'm going to be one of the counselors. I think it'll be interesting, to say the least!
13 ~ Blog more. Enough said.
14 ~ Fly a kite. And yes, I am really only five. (7-2=5)
Half way there!!!
15 ~ Go Roller Skating at a rink. When I was a kid, we used to go roller skating once a month as a home school group. It was fun.
16 ~ Go camping. Doesn't necessarily have to be in a tent!
17 ~ Go on a road trip out of state. My friend and I were talking about maybe going to Canada for a weekend road trip. We only live like 8 hours away, and I've never been there, so why not?
18 ~ Learn to play guitar. I have a guitar that lives in the bottom of my closet. It's time to learn how to play it.
19 ~ Memorize 1st John.
20 ~ Color my hair.
Twenty down, only seven more to go!
21 ~ Get a pearl ring or necklace. More on that to come!
22 ~ Jump in a pile of leaves.
23 ~ Watch the sunrise from a mountain top, and a sunset from the lake.
24 ~ Make a snow angel.
25 ~ Learn ballroom dancing.
Only two left!!!
26 ~ Have a girls' party.
27 ~ Make a list of 100 biographies and classics and read them. (Okay, so this one might take me a little longer than a year, but we will see how it goes!)
In His Love,
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Music Mix-up Post 12
Happy Mother's Day everyone! I know I haven't put up my music mix-up post this week, so I thought I'd do a really fun song for Mother's Day. I have really vacillated between a couple of songs, and I thought, why not just do them both? I've done two before! So, for the first one, I just had to do Anita Renfroe's "Mom Song to William Tell's Overture."
This song cracks me up... Makes my heart smile. :) Enough said. And the second song is "The Mom Song," by Go Fish.
Again, this song makes my heart smile. :) I have this song as my ringtone for my mummy. I hope you all have a wonderful Mother's Day!
In His Love,
This song cracks me up... Makes my heart smile. :) Enough said. And the second song is "The Mom Song," by Go Fish.
Again, this song makes my heart smile. :) I have this song as my ringtone for my mummy. I hope you all have a wonderful Mother's Day!
In His Love,
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Music Mix-up Post 11
This week has not been a very easy week.... There have been a lot of good things happening, but at times it is easy to lose sight of them when other things fall apart. Last night I turned on KTIS, and this song was just starting, and I felt like it spoke right to my heart. So, may I present "The Redeemer" by Sanctus Reel.
This song has been such a good reminder that even when things don't go the way I think they should, or I'm just having a hard day, that God always makes EVERYTHING NEW!!!!! I don't have to try and fix things on my own (which is a tendency of mine,) nor am I in it alone....
Anyway, this song encouraged me, and it is my prayer that it encourages you too. Have a blessed day! And enjoy whatever weather you've got. (We had snow this morning, rain later, and hopefully the sun will be out by tomorrow! I'm so excited to see the sun!! :D )
In His Love,
This song has been such a good reminder that even when things don't go the way I think they should, or I'm just having a hard day, that God always makes EVERYTHING NEW!!!!! I don't have to try and fix things on my own (which is a tendency of mine,) nor am I in it alone....
Anyway, this song encouraged me, and it is my prayer that it encourages you too. Have a blessed day! And enjoy whatever weather you've got. (We had snow this morning, rain later, and hopefully the sun will be out by tomorrow! I'm so excited to see the sun!! :D )
In His Love,
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